Warzone Atomic Empire: 40k Tyranids on Ice

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Players from all around brought their best looking models out to play at the Warzone Atomic Empire event. Let’s check out these Tyranids on Ice.

Warzone Atomic Empire was hosted by Horton and Twitchell. It was a huge success and the models that were spotted were jaw-dropping.

Warzone Atomic Empire: 40k Tyranids on Ice

Your favorite Biomass-eating Xenos race is coming to an event near you. On ice!

Warzone Atomic Empire: 40k Tyranids on Ice

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These Tyranids obviously ate seals and Eskimos to stay alive on the ice planet. Their skin is blue and their armor is even blue-er.

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Great work by the Wobbly Modelers, whom you may have seen on the Long War battle reports already. Hit them up if you are looking to have your army painted to the “wobbly standard”

Players gave it their all both on the tabletop and on the scenic displays. Warzone Atomic Empire may be over, but Warzone Atlanta is coming up on November 9th-11th.

Get you army ready and show off what you’ve been working on. This Tyranid was just one of many unique takes on the factions of Warhammer 40k.

warzone atlanta

More on the Warzone events