Units GW Should Make: Primaris Kill Squads

By Wesley Floyd | July 31st, 2018 | Categories: Editorials, Primaris, Warhammer 40k News

Reiver H&S Wal Hor primaris

All this talk about Primaris Bike rumors got us thinking about new units. Don’t let the cover art fool you. We want a squad more brutal than Reivers.

We’ve got a Devastator-ish equivalent unit for Primaris and they’re called Hellblasters. Primaris Hellblasters are absolutely fantastic in a Dark Angels list. But what about the Angels that have a thing for close combat?

reiversHow about a full Primaris Squad decked out with Eviscerators? Let’s break down the thought here. If you missed the rumor of Primaris Biker squads coming, you can check it out now.

Units GW Should Make: Primaris Kill Squads

primaris seth Units GW Should Make: Primaris Kill Squads

We know that Primaris already get more attacks and more wounds than a normal Space Marine because they’re taller, stronger, and faster. Space Marines already have assault squads where one model can take an Eviscerator. It’s a decent weapon but the sucky thing is that you’re -1 to hit with it because of its size. The other rough part about it is that it’s pretty expensive just for one sitting right at 22 points.

Because Primaris are taller and stronger, they should theoretically be able to wield a Space Marine Eviscerator without a -1 to hit. A five-man squad of Primaris models getting two to three attacks a pop with a two-handed chainsword would see play. That would be over ten attacks at S X2, -4AP, and doing D3 damage a swing. That would fit right into any Blood Angels list.

The cost of the unit would more than likely be pretty expensive because of the potential damage output, but a little finesse with the unit and you can wreak havoc to the point where they would pay there points back in no time.

Mobility is still a Problem

blood angel primaris

Of course, we still have the problem of transporting them safely but personally, I’d cave in and buy a few boxes along with a Repulsor if they existed. Even if you had no means of transporting them, you could stick them in the bottom floor of a building and dare someone to try to take the objective from you. They are already wounding most things on 2s anyway.

At the end of the day, Primaris still have a long ways to go. With Reivers only getting combat knives and just a few Primaris characters with power weapons, a melee-centric Primaris unit would be a warm welcome into a bunch of Imperial armies.

What would you think of a Primaris Kill Squad? Would you run them in your army? What are some other weapons you’d like to see Primaris get access to? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

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