GW’s New 40k Kill Team & Middle Earth Release Lineup

Deathwatch Watch captain artemis

More 40k Kill Team and Lord of the Rings are on deck for next week’s releases! Check out the latest lineup coming your way this Saturday.

Fresh kills are coming your way for 40k’s Kill Team!

First up are Kill Team Starter Sets for Deathwatch and Drukhari players!

Each Kill Team Starter Set is packed with content that’s essential for players of that faction. A custom token sheet makes it easy to work out at a glance who’s shaken, readied or has already advanced, while a deck of Tactics cards allows you to muster your most devious stratagems with ease – as well as featuring unique new Tactics you won’t find anywhere else. Meanwhile, each Starter Set contains a full multipart set of models, specially chosen from the main range for their wealth of customisation options.

Meanwhile, lore booklets and pre-filled cards make getting involved with Kill Team simple by giving you a rich set of lore to inspire your battles and giving you a strong base on which to build lethal kill teams of your own.

And of course, there are matching dice sets for each of these forces!
Be sure to keep an eye out, because GW is hinting that more factions are coming out in the near future!
Have you been feeling like Kill Team lacks sophistication and you need something a little more formidable? You’re about to get it, by way of Killzone: Death World Forest.

You’ve mastered the urban cityscapes of the Sector Imperialis, forged a path through the Sector Mechanicus and made a crate escape from the Sector Munitorum – and you’re hungry for a new challenge. Well, turns out the new challenge is hungry for you – meet the Death World Forest Environment Expansion:

Death world forests are one of Kill Team’s most unusual Killzones, shaking up old strategies and presenting new challenges, opportunities and dangers for the forces battling in them. If you thought urban battlefields were deadly, you haven’t seen anything yet…

As with the Killzones before it, the death world forest is packed with content, featuring unique missions and Tactics usable by your team. Whether you’re looking to add even more danger your campaign or just grab loads of terrain at a great price, you’ll want to make sure you pick up this box.

But wait, there’s more!

GW is relaunching a strategy battle game; The Battle of Pelennor Fields. They say they’re giving “newcomers to the hobby, and seasoned veterans alike, something to sink their teeth into.” Check it out!

pelennor fields

After levering open the glorious box cover (complete with the noble Théoden and foul Witch-king… and Minas Tirith merrily ablaze in the background), you are greeted by a veritable Dragon’s hoard of plastic frames. Carefully lift the frames aside, and there’s a sturdy piece of card protecting your Rules Manual and other bits from impalement… and doubling as your assembly guide. Delve beneath that and you’ll find the 208-page hardback Rules Manual for the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game, a 16-page Scenarios and Profiles booklet, dice, measurers and tokens. Oh, and bases for all your models.

The Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game is one of Good vs Evil, and you’ll see that portrayed in this starter set. The heroic forces of Good are represented by the muster of Rohan and the Army of the Dead. First of all, there is the glorious new plastic Théoden, King of Rohan. This stunning character model (on foot and mounted on Snowmane) is the first new plastic model for The Lord of the Rings™ in nearly a decade.

Alongside Théoden are 12 Riders of Rohan and 12 Warriors of Rohan. These bold warriors are the heroic men who risk all to save the White City from the legions of Mordor… and they’re the core of a fantastic Rohan army. Each Rider of Rohan is a dangerous foe, whether in melee or at range (even the ones wielding axes or swords have bows slung on their backs)… together they are a fast-moving and hard-hitting cavalry force. The Warriors of Rohan might be somewhat more utilitarian, but they’re still sturdy soldiers ready to vanquish the armies of Sauron (they are also great for using as dismounted Riders of Rohan whose steeds are slain in battle).

There is also a ghostly battalion in the form of the oath-breakers of Dunharrow which includes 20 Warriors of the Dead, ready to right an ancient wrong and join the fight. Not only do these ethereal warriors tower over the Orcish rabble they fight, but their ghostly weapons also cut through them with unnatural ease.

And with all that good, must come evil…

The Battle of Pelennor Fields is the most decisive encounter of the War of the Ring, where the full might of Sauron’s armies is arrayed against the White City. To lead this all-conquering throng is the Dark Lord’s greatest servant, the Witch-king of Angmar, atop his monstrous Fell Beast. Winged Nazgûl are renowned as some of the most powerful units available to the forces of Evil, and the Witch-king is the undisputed master of them all (arrayed against Théoden, who faces his sternest challenge).

And of course, new rules accompany the relaunch!

The hardback rules manual found in the box contains the full rules for the Strategy Battle Game – 208 pages loaded with rules for your games. Don’t be daunted by the size of this beauty, though – the Strategy Battle Game was founded many years ago on the mantra that it’s easy to learn and hard to master, and nothing has changed here. Throughout the manual, rules are clearly explained with examples and accompanied by stunning imagery from both The Lord of the Rings™ and The Hobbit™ movie trilogies.


There’s also the 16-page Scenarios and Profiles guide, which contains four Narrative Play Scenarios designed to get you playing your first games in Middle-earth and the profiles and special rules for the models in the box.

To play the game, you’re also going to need some accessories, and Battle of Pelennor Fields contains everything to get you started. There are twelve dice (six red, six green) to solve your dice-rolling needs and a pair of themed range rulers – one styled after Rohan, the other after Mordor. To help keep track of in-game effects (charging cavalry, failed Courage tests and so on) there’s a sheet of counters too. In short, everything you need to play your first few games.

Like cool dice? We’ve got you covered with our first Middle-earth themed dice for many a year. There are three sets available: The One Ring, Mordor and Rohan. Each set contains eight dice, with the logo on the 6-face. While we can’t promise they’ll luckier than other dice, we know for a fact they look amazing as a set!


Are you a little extra? Then you need these weapon measurers…

This unique pack of range measurers is something new for the Strategy Battle Game – a set of 7 hard plastic replica weapons from The Lord of the Rings™ designed to help you check ranges and measure during your games. They are faithfully based on the wargear from the movies, and they’re also super-handy when you’re playing the game.

Each weapon in the set has a different size… with some of them especially appropriate. Sting is 4″, which is how far Hobbits can move, while Gimli’s axe is 5″ long (the typical move for a Dwarf). Even Gandalf’s staff is 12″ long, which just so happens to be the range of most Magical Powers.Oh, and there’s a nifty double-sided Priority marker in the set too. One side has the White Tree while the other displays the baleful Eye of Sauron – perfect for showing whether Good or Evil has Priority this turn.

And don’t forget your tome.

This massive tome of rules is the definitive source for all of the models from our The Lord of the Rings™ range – from the famed heroes of The Fellowship of the Ring to the Dark Lord Sauron, lumbering Mûmakil, the Balrog of Morgoth and loads more besides. In fact, there are more than 260 different profiles for the heroes and warriors of The Lord of the Rings™, organised into iconic army lists. Each army list also includes a special bonus you unlock in Matched Play games if your force is suitable thematic.

rules tome

As well as all the profiles, The Armies ofThe Lord of the Rings™ also includes 11 Narrative Play scenarios, designed to help you recreate some of the most iconic events and battles from the history of Middle-earth, including the fall of Khazad-dûm and the Ambush at Amon Hen. All of this is jammed into a 244-page sourcebook, along with glorious imagery from The Lord of the Rings™ and fantastic miniatures photography.

Both of those awesome new Kill Team sets and Middle Earth go live for pre-order this coming Saturday. Which are you down for?

About the Author: Caitlyn Cumberland