How Good are Beastclaw Raiders? AoS Showcase

By Drago | August 31st, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Painted Figure Showcase, Videos

beastclaw raiders showcase

The mighty legions of Destruction charge forth on beasts of ice, filling their foes with terror. Take a look at this fearsome Age of Sigmar showcase!

Beastclaw Raiders, from Age of Sigmar, have some very unique looks to them. Take a look at this showcase featuring the fattest of all Destruction faction, as well as some of their rules.

Be sure to check out the entire showcase by watching the video below!

How Good are Beastclaw Raiders? AoS Showcase

aos beastclaw How Good are Beastclaw Raiders? AoS Showcase

Thundertusks are mighty foes that can either carry a Huskard or Beastriders. The Thundertusk has Crushing Blows in melee, attacking four times, hitting on 3+ and doing D3 damage with -1 rend.

It can also blow frost-wreathed Ice upon its enemies, with an 18″ range and causing mortal wounds on a 2+.  Beastriders are two ogres with Harpoon Launcher and either Chaintrap or Blood Vulture.

Huskards can carry the same variety of weapons but has Blizzard-speaker, which allows the Huskard to either heal D3 wounds to a unit or re-roll wound rolls of 1 for the unit until the next hero phase.

beastclaw aos

Stonehorns can also carry Huskards, Beastriders, or the Frostlord (seen above). This model does a great amount of damage, charging into the fray and destroying its enemies.

The Stornhorn’s Horns have a number of attacks based on the damage table, up to six, hit on 4+, wound on 3+, and do 3 damage with -3 rend. Crushing Hooves do D6 attacks, hitting on 3+ and doing D3 damage with -1 rend.

It also halves any damage and mortal wounds inflicted upon it, rounding up. With 13 wounds, that does help keep this model from dying quickly on the table.

A Frostlord is armed with a Frost Spear, which has 4 attacks, hits and wounds on 3+ and does 3 damage with -1 rend. His Bellowing Voice command ability allows friendly Beastclaw Raiders within 14″ to re-roll charge rolls.

There you have it, some absolutely fantastic miniatures with an icy theme. Overall, these models can be fun to play on the board and have great combo abilities with other command abilities.

Be sure to check out the entire showcase, including a look at the rules, by watching the video below!

About the Author: Drago