I Have You Now! Vader In X-Wing 2.0

By Barclay Montgomery | September 12th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

I Have You Now! Vader In X-Wing 2.0

As we close the last chapter on Star Wars X-wing, we open a new one with X-Wing 2.0! Starting off will be Darth Vader, and he has a few new maneuvers.

I Have You Now! Vader In X-Wing 2.0

I Have You Now! Vader In X-Wing 2.0

Darth Vader is a bit different this time around in X-Wing 2.0. His Initiative is 6 and he no longer has a “free” double action for his pilot ability. Darth Vader now comes with a Force capacity of 3 that has recurring charge each turn.

His pilot ability states that after you perform an action you may spend 1 Force to perform an action. His action bar has barrel roll, lock, and the dual action focus to red barrel roll. Dual actions act as a built-in Push the Limit but do not require a Talent upgrade.

Darth Vader also has a built-in Advanced Targeting Computer that allows you to roll 1 additional attack die against a defender you have locked and you may change 1 hit result to a crit.

Heightened Position

Since Darth Vader uses Force charges, he may equip a Force Power upgrade. Heightened Perception kicks in at the start of the Engagement Phase. You may spend 1 Force charge to engage at initiative 7 instead of your standard initiative.

This can come in handy if you face an opponent who has a higher initiative than the Dark Lord of the Sith. Fire-Control System

Darth Vader may have a Sensor upgrade on his TIE Advanced, and a Fire-Control System works perfectly. This upgrade kicks in while you are performing an attack; if you have a lock on the defender, you may re-roll 1 attack die.

If you do, you cannot spend your lock during this attack. This works great with the Advanced Targeting Computer: roll 3 attack dice on your locked target, re-roll 1 and change 1 hit to a crit. Perfection. Afterburners

Positioning is important in X-Wing 2.0 so it helps to have some Afterburners. This Modification upgrade comes with a charge value of 2 and works after you fully execute a speed 3-5 maneuver; you may spend 2 charge to perform a boost action, even if you are stressed.

This can help out Darth Vader when he needs to close the distance on a target that seeks to evade his grasp. No opponent will dare face the Dark Lord in a dogfight! Grab your new conversion kits and get ready for X-Wing 2.0!

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