Vlka Fenryka: Painting Space Wolves Blue-Grey

By Drago | August 22nd, 2018 | Categories: Airbrushing, How To Tutorial, Space Wolves, Videos

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Love Space Wolves, but don’t know where to start painting their signature blue-grey armor? Check out our tips on how to get those puppies looking good!

Jack of Clubs Painting has some great tutorials on YouTube on how to get your miniatures looking fantastic with the airbrush. Take a look at this quick overview of his Space Wolf tutorial, then be sure to watch the entire video below!

Vlka Fenryka: Painting Space Wolves Blue-Grey

Vlka Fenryka: Painting Space Wolves Blue-Grey

Start by airbrushing Stynlrez Black Primer over the entire body. Keep the head separate, as Space Wolves don’t like wearing helmets and painting skin is easier in sub-assemblies.

To build up the iconic Space Wolf armor, spray Somber Grey from Vallejo Game Air over the armor panels at a 90 degree angle to keep the deep shadows visible. Then spray Dark Blue Pale from Vallejo Model Color across the tops of the armor, building transitions where light would naturally shine.

The blue-grey hues of Somber Grey should still show through. Finally, use Celestra Grey from Games Workshop to apply spot highlights along the armor where it would shine the brightest.

joc space wolf 2

Brush Yellow Ochre from Vallejo Model Color onto the shoulder pads as the base.

Mix Yellow Ochre with Golden Yellow and lightly airbrush onto the shoulder pads to even out the base coat and brighten up the color a bit. Airbrush carefully to avoid hitting the trim! Then airbrush Flash Gitz Yellow over the shoulder pads to make that yellow pop even more.

joc space wolf wash

For details, brush Celestra Grey over the edges to make the angles pop even more. When you’re done, mix Dark Tone and Quickshade Mixing Medium from Army Painter with flow improver and brush them over the entire model.

To see how to paint up the head, be sure to watch the entire video below! For more Jack of Clubs tutorials, check out his channel on Youtube. You can also catch Jack of Clubs on Twitch four nights a week.


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