Warhammer Fest Recap: Nightvault, Titanicus, Heresy & More

Sanguinius in battle wal hor blood angels

Warhammer Fest previewed the latest of what’s coming on the way next from Games Workshop on the Specialist Games side of things as well. Let’s take a look!

If you missed all the non-Warhammer 40k teasers over the weekend there was a lot more previewed by at Warhammer FEST Europe, Nightvault, a new Endless Spell for AoS, Blood Bowl units, and more are on the way to the table top.

Warhammer Fest Recap: Nightvault, Titanicus, Heresy & More

Let’s break everything down from the event.


Nightvault is set in the Warhammer Underworlds universe but is not Shadespire (which is also actually Warhammer Underworlds as well). We’ll also try to keep that in mind when we look at the future previews for this game.

Shadespire has been out for a while now and it looks like Games Workshop decided to branch out from their board game they started. Nightvault looks like it may be a continuation of the Shadespire that originally took place in the Mirrored City.

aos endless spell

Speaking of the Age of Sigmar universe, a new endless spell is on the way as well. We have no idea what the rules look like or what this will even be called so keep an eye out for more.

Nurgle Steps into Blood Bowl

bloodbowl preview

Nurgle decided he wanted a piece of the Blood Bowl action and threw a team together. Not sure how these guys will fare in a game of speed. Nurgle is historically slow so we’ll have to see.

bloodbowl preview 2

You can check out the latest on the team in issue three of Spike! magazine.

Warhounds in Adeptus Titanicus

adtit warhound

adtit warhound 1

If you cracked open your box of Titanicus, you noticed there were some data cards in there that had all the Warhound stats on them.

titanicus preview 1

We also know they will be on 80mm bases, because of the arc templates from the box set.

Well, Warhounds are finally making their way into Titanicus. Be on the lookout for these hitting the shelves soon.

Horus Heresy

horus Heresy Malevolence


If you’ve been keeping up with the lore advancement in Horus Heresy, you know that we are getting close to the siege of Terra. Alpharius and Rogal Dorn have shown up which means Sanguinius should be next. We’re beginning to see some Blood Angels models for the game now. We are just waiting for Book 8, Malevolence to be released.

horus Heresy Malevolence

Get ready to see more Blood Angels, White Scars, and Daemons show up in the Heresy.

Take a look at the detail of the latest Blood Angel models that were previewed.


BA praetor

Blood Angels Praetor

BA contemptor

 Contemptor Dreadnought


BA leviathan

 Leviathan Dreadnought

Last but not least, two models are coming to use for popular consuls options

new heresy models WHF

For every Legion, two popular Consul choices will be at long last receiving models of their own. These flexible champions are key to any Space Marine Legion list, offering a range of bonuses to your army as well as opening up all sorts of thematic opportunities. Very soon, you’ll be able to add a Vigilator – a ruthless sniper who lends his expertise in scouting and infiltration to your units – or a machine-mastering Praevian to your Horus Heresy army:


What do you think about the previews? Will you be getting one of the Consuls for Horus Heresy? What kind of rules do you think the Endless Spell will have? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.


Warhammer Fest Europe 2018

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