40k Kill Team Rogue Trader Rules LATEST

By Rob Baer | September 9th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

rogue trader kill team

All the new 40k Kill Team Rogue Trader previews are out. Come see the latest on the Gellerpox and the Elucidian Starstriders that are hitting tabletops soon!

Warhammer Community previewed the Gellerpox infected this morning. Take a look at what that Kill Team is getting along with all the other details in the game.

Be on the lookout for Kill Team: Rogue Trader to hit pre-orders this week!

Missions Galore

kill team rogue trader missions

It’s been announced that there will be 11 missions (a mix of open, narrative, and matched play) inside the box and they don’t just pertain to the Elucidian Starstriders. You can use your favorite factions in missions designed for all the different Killzones.



We meant it when we said this expansion was packed with content – it also features two new Killzones for your games! Both are perfect for players looking for a Kill Team board they can travel with, making incredibly effective use of only a handful of terrain pieces and a new set of rules for fighting in ultra-confined spaces.

Kill Teams Coming to 40k

rogue trader codex 40k Rogue Trader Kill Team Box First up For September Release

This one is exciting. Both Kill Teams can be used with your main 40k force. We have no idea what the stratagems will look like or how they’ll even play in-game. But look for two mini-codexes that are completely compatible with 40k!

Elucidian Starstriders

rogue trader

Starting off with the Elucidian Starstriders, the team is wealthy and highly-trained. They will come with specialized Guardsmen and a few named characters.


Sanistasia Minst

rt kt strat 2

Now this stratagem looks like it’ll be incredibly powerful. There’s really no “healing” mechanic in Kill Team. Now there will be a 1CP stratagem that lets you do it again? You better be using this every turn.

rt kt 2

Death Cult Executioner Knosso Prond

rt kt strat 1

Assuming her blade is a flat 1 damage, this stratagem could be useful. it IS a hefty two CP that could still be 1 damage if you roll poorly. But it could still have its uses.

rt kt 3

Lectro-Maester Larsen van der Grauss

rt kt 4

Elucia Vhane

Elucia Vhane is a skilled combatant, equally at home sharpshooting with her heirloom duelling pistol as she is cutting down those that dare stand in her way with her trusty monomolecular cane-rapier, Blur. One of her greatest assets is the ability to use her Multi-spectral Auspicator Tactic, which enables you to re-roll hit rolls of 1 for any Elucidian Starstrider models within 6” of her for the duration of the battle round.

Elucia will be a nasty character to go up against. It will more than likely take a couple of models to bring her down. But beware, with her buff bubble being active, you can expect some of her posse to be closeby.

rt kt 5

Voidmaster Nitsch

rt kt strat 3

This could also be useful if you really need to land a wound on something. It’s not quite as good as the Psychic Bolt power some Kill Teams get, but it’s easier to go off (probably a 2+). The only downside is that this also costs 2CP. This sounds like it’ll have its niche uses.

This Preview Looks Infected: Gellerpox in 40k Kill Team

nurgle mutants This Preview Looks Infected: Gellerpox in 40k Kill Team

The Gellerpox don’t have any kind of shooting so closing the gap will be paramount to victory. The box set is looking to have twenty-three Gellerpox models in it. Of course, you won’t be able to fit every model in your Kill Team. You could go all-in on the big dudes and create an elite team, or go wide and take a bunch of small units.

Gellerpox Units

nightmare hulk

With Toughness 5, 4 Wounds and Disgustingly Resilient, Nightmare Hulks are among Kill Team’s most durable choices and work as brutally effective biological battering rams. If you’re looking for an elite kill team, three of these guys plus a Glitchling to make up the numbers is pretty deadly!

rt gp 3 strat

Nightmare Hulks are already looking ridiculously tanky going off their statline. You probably won’t need to use this stratagem too often just because of the sheer amount of wounds they have. But it’s definitely useful and can cause even more of a headache for your opponent.

gellerpox mutant

The Gellerpox Mutants are basically the equivalent the Poxwalkers. They’ll be getting a Disgustingly Resilient save as well as being able to cause mortal wounds on a 6+. They’ll also have something called the Gellercaust Masks. We aren’t exactly sure what kind of rule that will give the unit but it’ll probably have something to do with survivability.

RT GP strat 1

Gellershift is similar to Return to the Shadows that Genestealer Cult get. It seems pretty useful in some niche circumstances. The only downsides are that it’s just one mutant and they can’t move later in the phase. You could use this stratagem for quick objective grabbing, but if you try to scare the enemy by putting him close to a model, it’ll more than likely get blown off the table.


Gellerpox Infected kill teams have access to a range of horrible creepy-crawlies. Costing a mere handful of points each, they might not be particularly powerful, but they’re a great way to bulk up a more elite force and surprisingly tricky to get rid of.

rt GP strat 2

3 CP seems like an awfully high cost to just put one model onto the field. Granted it is a model that you don’t have to pay points for and you can do it at any time. But we’ll have to see the stats of the Vermin before we say this is incredible.

You could technically use it as a distraction method to tie up the enemy while Vulgrar moves in for the kill.

Vulgrar & A New Role


Kill Team will be bringing a new kind of fighter called the Commander into the game. Commanders are highly-trained elite units that can be leveled up before the game even begins. Players will actually be able to select what level they are when mustering their forces. You can also spend points on a whole slew of different traits. Beef up Vulgrar to be a close combat machine or boost a Packleader to help him buff nearby grubs.

What faction will you be playing in the Rogue Trader box? What stratagems seem like the most powerful to you? Will you be taking a ton of grubs or just a few Nightmare Hulks?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group

kill team 2016 wal hor

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