GW’s Fall FAQ Changes Everything About 40k, Again!

By Wesley Floyd | September 30th, 2018 | Categories: Tactics, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer Rules FAQs

super happy guardsman wal hor

Did you army get NERFED? 40k’s new FAQ changed up a majority of the rules that we had relied on in 2018, come see the latest

Warhammer Community released the big FAQ everyone has been biting their nails over while it was still September.

The FAQ has finally dropped today and we’ve taken some time to digest it all. Let’s look at what in the world got changed in 8th edition.  If you haven’t heard already, long story short, no points were changed and Stratagems got more expensive.

Oh, and you can’t farm those precious CPs like you used to.

GW’s Fall FAQ Changes Everything About 40k, Again!

Stratagem Changes

stratagem change GW's Fall FAQ Changes Everything About 40k, Again!

As far as Stratagems go, there are quite a few “heavy hitters” in the meta that got hit. The stratagems do the same thing,
you’ll just have to pump more of that CP gas into them.

Blood Angels

blood angel primaris

  • Upon Wings of Fire- Now 2CP

Imperial Knights

Defiant Cover img knights hor wal

  • Oathbreaker Guidance System- Now 3CP
  • Order of Companions- Now 3CP
  • Our Darkest Hour-3CP

Dark Eldar

archon dark eldar wal hor

  • Agents of Vect- Now 4CP -You’ll also need some Kabal of the Black Heart to use it now.

Say Goodbye to CP Farming

tactical restraint

It’s actually impossible to actually net CP when you use a stratagem now. Those relics like Kurov’s Aquilla and the Veritas Vitae can only gain 1CP back per BATTLE ROUND. Even though these relics got nerfed, more people are probably going to run Guard battalions. Players will need CPs to stay competitive and there’s almost no other cheaper way to get CPs points-wise.

Important Note: Some of the stratagems that are designed to net CP like Feeder Tendrils for Tyranids didn’t get touched and don’t apply to this change.

The Benefit of Going Second

prepared positions

For those that never seem to go first, there’s a silver lining. Players that are going second will have the option to put their entire army in cover for 2CP. GW realizes that 8th edition is the game where going first is imperative. At least the players going second have the opportunity to hunker down and brace for impact.

Imperial Fists and Iron Warriors got a little bit better since they ignore cover. This isn’t game breaking and we doubt we’ll see Imperial Fist lists competitively just because of that neat bonus, but it’s something to note.

Ground-Covering Stratagems Got Hit

Now that we’ve covered the cost of some Stratagems going up as well as some of their latest nuances, it’s time we talk about what big stratagems got changed.

stratagem FAQ

  • Strike from the Shadows- Raven Guard can’t pop up anywhere 9″ away anymore. They basically get a free 9″ move before the start of the first turn. (i.e Nerfed Forlorn Fury).
  • Forward Operatives- Alpha Legion are in the same boat, being able to move 9″ before the game starts as well.
  • Clandestine Inflitration- Ad Mech also got hit with a nerf bat only being able to get a free 9″ move versus deepstriking 9″ away.
  • Appear Unbidden-Eldar got lucky on this one. At the end of any of the movement phases, they can appear from the Webway 9″ away from any enemy models.
  • Inevitable Death-“When you set up the Yncarne, it can be set up in waiting rather on the battlefield”.

If you noticed a pattern here, board presence is taking a huge hit. They are nerfing almost every stratagem that lets a player move a unit 9″ away from the enemy first turn.

Deepstriking Gets Another Nerf

tactical reserves

Players used to be able to deepstrike their force into their deployment zone in the first turn. That took an even bigger nerf today now that nothing at all can come in turn one. Players will essentially have turn two and three to bring their forces in before they’re considered “destroyed”.

Genestealer Cult didn’t get excluded either. It’s looking like they are in the position to play as a more ‘beta-strike” army until their codex.
As for Grey Knights, this might have been the final nail in the coffin. Just when everyone thought they couldn’t get any worse, GW slowed them down even more.

The Meta’s Most Mobile Units Get Hit with the Nerf Bat

blood angel Faction Keyword 40k, A Tournament to Stop the Cheese?

With the way FLY was worded before, the model was able to ignore any terrain features and heights.
Players were able to jump onto the second level of buildings (above an enemy unit) and make a 0″ charge.

flying errata
This means that our precious Slam Captains can still get around, but they’ll have to account for true distance when they charge and they won’t be able to charge over screens.

wraith errata

Necron Wraiths don’t fly, but they got the same wording change. They ignore terrain features in the movement phase only. They’ll still have to measure the true distance when they decide to charge.

harlequin errata
Harlequin’s flip belts are only active in the movement phase as well. Screening units will be even more effective against units that need to close in with melee combat.

Matched Play Games & Detachments

matched play faq

In case you were wondering, GW elaborated on Matched Play and their rule of three. Now, we can only have a certain number of detachments depending on how many points we play.

rule of three faq
On top of that, the rule of three isn’t as “nerfed” as we thought. For example, in a 2,000-point game, we can take three detachments with three Daemon Princes in each one from a different Chaos alignment.
(three from Death Guard, three from Chaos Space Marines, and three from Tzeentch, etc.). The only thing that the rule of three prevents is more than three of the same unit in a given detachment.

As for individual factions, there were some changed here and there.

  • Ogryn’s with Slabshields only gain the benefit to armor saves now. Invulnerable saves aren’t affected.
  • The Targeting Scramblers stratagem for Deathwatch has to wait until a Tau unit finished shooting all of it’s attacks before they can remove all markerlights now. (Realistically, you’ll only ever have one or two markerlights on your unit by the time the Tau squad is done shooting).

Make sure you check out the faction you play and read up on the erratas yourself. These were just a few of the bigger changes we noted.

After a long awaited time, do you think this FAQ will get the job done equalizing some of the most OP units in the meta?

Have other factions become stronger as a result of this FAQ? Let us know what you think in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.