AoS 2.0 Taking Skaven Clan Moulder to 2000 Points

By Travis Perkins | September 12th, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Skaven, Tactics

clan moulder skaven

Today we’re talking about the rattiest of the Skaven, Clan Moulder! Dive on into the sewers with us as we take these rats to 2000 points!

The fine gentlemen of Clan Moulder are all about monsters and big rats, though their model range is slightly limited, so we are going to dip into our allied pool as well to bring out a big bruiser.

There is not a lot of variety to this list but there is a lot of models, I hope you like painting giant rats!

skaven horde

The faction in a Nutshell:

One of the great Skaven clans, they rose to power once they created the Rat Ogre and managed to sell them to the highest bidder. They are one of the least populated Skaven Clans, but they make up for that by breeding and maintaining large populations of giant rats. These rats are then experimented on through science and warp stone, to create all manner of beasts.

AoS 2.0 Taking Skaven Clan Moulder to 2000 Points

Starting by adding in your battle line troops for Age of Sigmar 2.o:

  • 40 giant rats: 200 points (Battleline 1 of 3)
  • 40 giant rats: 200 points (Battleline 2 of 3)
  • 6 Rat Ogors: 300 points (Battleline 3 of 3)

Giant Rats:

Move 8”, no Save, 3 Bravery, 1 Wound. They have a single attack with their teeth: Range 1”, 1 Attack, Hitting and Wounding on a 5+, for 1 Damage. For every 10 models (up to 30) this unit adds 1 to their attack characteristic and 1 to their hit roll.

Rat Ogors:

Move 6”, 5+ Save, 5 Bravery, 4 Wounds. They have a missile weapon a gun: Range 16”, 1 Attack, Hitting on a 5+, Wounding on a 3+, with -1 Rend for D3 Damage. For melee they have Claws: Range 1”, 4 Attacks, Hitting on a 4+, Wounding on a 3+, with -1 Rend, for 2 Damage. When they charge any wound rolls from the claws attack that are 6 or more you can immediately take an additional attack.

Coming in at 700 points you have a massive 84 troops to cover your battleline units. This is more than enough to wrestle control of objectives from your opponent and the extra quick movement of the giant rats is very useful to gain board advantage. The main disadvantage is the low bravery which is solved by a packmaster which the only leader is available to Clan Moulder. To make sure we can properly buff our molder units.

  • Packmaster: 60 points (Leader 1 of 6)
  • Packmaster: 60 points (Leader 2 of 6)
  • Packmaster: 60 points (Leader 3 of 6)
  • Packmaster: 60 points (Leader 4 of 6)


Move 6”, 6+ Save, 5 Bravery, 3 Wounds. They are armed with one of the following, a Hearding Whip and Blade: Range 2”, 3 Attacks, Hitting on a 3+, Wounding on a 4+, for 1 Damage. A Hearding Whip and Things Catacher: Range 2” 2 Attacks, Hitting and Wounding on a 4+, for D3 Damage. Or a Shock Prod: Range 2”, 1 Attack, Hitting on a 4+, Wounding on a 3+, with -1 Rend, for 3 Damage. In your hero phase pick one Moulder unit within 6” and add 1” to run and charge rolls and 1 to hit rolls. Moulder units within 6” of the Packmaster double their bravery. Finally, they might have a wolf rat which if there are enemy models within 3” of the packmaster roll a dice on a 5+ the closest enemy unit suffers a mortal wound.

This brings us to 940 points but really leaves us without a hard-hitting troop (outside the Rat Ogors), in order to remedy that were going to bring in some Hell Pit Abominations.

  • Hell Pit Abomination: 220 Points (Behemoth 1 of 4)
  • Hell Pit Abomination: 220 Points (Behemoth 2 of 4)
  • Hell Pit Abomination: 220 Points (Behemoth 3 of 4)

Hell Pit Abomination:

Move 2D6”, 5+ Save, 6 Bravery, 12 Wounds. They have three different attacks the first is Teeth: Range 1”, 6 Attacks, Hitting on 3+, Wounding on 4+, with damage table Rend (-2 down to 0), for 2 Damage. Then a Flailing Fists attack: Range 2”, damage table (6 down to 2) Attacks, Hitting on a 4+, Wounding on a 3+, with -1 Rend, for 3 Damage. Finally, the Avalanche of Flesh: Range 1”, D6 Attacks, damage table (2+ up to 6+) Hitting, Wounding on 3+, for 1 Damage.

This model heals a D3 wounds in each of your hero phases. Non Chaos Wizards within 12” of this model must subtract 1 from all their casting rolls. Finally, when this model is slain for the first time roll a D6, on a 1-2 its dead, on a 3-4 all units within 3” of this model suffer D3 mortal wounds, or 5-6 this model is not slain but rather heals a D6 wounds.

Bringing us to 1600, and leaving us with our 400 points worth of allies that we can spend and to me, the best option is to bring in Thanquol and Boneripper. His command ability will give your Giant Rats a 5+ Ward Save if he is close enough and he can dish out some crazy mortal wounds. Also, he is on a Giant Modified Rat Ogre, so he fits in Thematically!

AoS 2.0 Taking Skaven Clan Moulder to 2000 Points

  • Thanquol and Boneripper: 400 points (Leader 5 of 6, Behemoth 4 of 4, Allied)

Thanquol and Boneripper:

Move damage table (10” down to 6”), 4+ Save, 7 Bravery, 13 Wounds. He has the option of carrying a Warpfire Projector with Range 8” and causes an enemy unit to suffer 2D6 mortal wounds. If he doesn’t carry the Projector he has Warfire Braziers: Range 2”, 4 Attacks, Hitting and Wounding on a 3+, with -2 Rend, for 3 Damage each. Then he has a staff attack: Range 2”, 2 Attacks, Hitting on a 4+, Wounding on a 3+, with -1 Rend, for D3 Damage. Finally, he has Crushing Blows: Range 2”, damage table (6 down to 2) Attacks, Hitting on a 4+, Wounding on a 3+, with -1 Rend, for 2 Damage.

This model heals a wound in your hero phase and can cast 2 spells with his unique spell being Scorch. Additionally, when casting magic before casting on a 2+ you can re roll failed casting rolls. Scorch: Range 26”, Cast Value damage table (6 up to 10), Target enemy unit, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds (D6 if it targets a Skaven unit).

Finally, his command ability lets you select a Skaven unit within 13” of this model suffers a wound or mortal wound roll a D6 (add 1 if the unit has 13 or more models) and on a 6+ they ignore that wound.


Give Boneripper the Warpfire Projectors and 2D6 mortal wounds is nothing to sneeze at. For your pack masters any of the weapon choices are fine they are all basically the same, really go with what is cheapest to your pocketbook.


For this obviously, you need to keep the pack masters near your giant rats and rat ogres to help with their bravery checks and push them forward faster. By using Thanquol command ability if he is close enough to both giant rat units they are saving all wounds and mortal wounds on unmodified rolls of 5+ as well. If you can get them into combat with 30 or more you are dishing out 3 Attacks a piece that auto hit with a nearby pack master. So even with a wound roll of 5+ and no rend that is a ton of dice your rolling, odds are you’re going to dish out some damage. If you can use Thanquol as a distraction (a very big one) and you can get your Rat Ogres and Hell Pit Abominations into close combat relatively unscathed you’re in very good shape. These things heal themselves and can really dish out some damage as long as they can make it into combat.

There you have it 2000 points of Clan Moulder Skaven, this can be a fun army but finding and painting 80 giant rats can be a pain.

If you love the Skaven, be sure to check out our previous Rat King articles below as well!


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