Canis Rex Pricing Spotted in the Latest WD Pics

By Wesley Floyd | September 4th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

preceptor knight wall hor

The long-awaited Canis Rex was finally spotted in the next White Dwarf magazine. See how much he will cost and a neat way to save money on making your own

Sprues and Brews previewed the page with Canis Rex in the next White Dwarf. Check out the price for the new class of Knight we’ve been waiting for well before the Knight Codex.

We’ve been hearing a lot of rumors revolving around this Knight. Check out the latest from a while back.

Sir Hekhtur & Canis Rex Knight Character Rules Rumors

canis rex sir hekhtur

  • Rex is the new Preceptor class 4A hits on 2+ for CC &Range. 
  • Pulse Laser 36″ 2d6 S6 -2 D3 or 18″ D6 S12 -4 d6 damage.
  • Hand of Liberty (melee) S16 -4 2d6 Damage (always at least a 6) trhows dead vehicles and monsters 9″ doing d3 MW on a 4+.
  • If Sir Hecktor survives Rex’s 2d6 explosion d6MW explosion sets up on board and plays. Vet Guard statline w/ Archotech pistol S5 -2 2.
  • Affected by Freeblade table.


Canis Rex Pricing Spotted in the Latest WD Pics

WD canis rex

wd canis rex 2

Knight-Preceptor Canis Rex looks like it’ll be up for pre-order on September 15th. It’ll become available after September 22nd, and cost $160 in the U.S.

The Questor-class Knights are going for $140-$157 respectively and the Dominus-Class are $170.

Making your Own Preceptor-Class Knight

If you have a magnetized Knight already and don’t feel like shelling out $160 dollars, you can always make your own Preceptor. The Preceptor uses the standard Questor body and gauntlet. The only major difference is the gun on the model.

Get yours from Shapeways.

shapeways preceptor

It’s odd that a Knight model is coming out months after their codex, but not un unprecedented compared to the Death Guard release last year.

We don’t know if the Knight will be even more powerful than the others when you start to pile on the stratagems from the book or not. However, one thing is for sure. Knights have been dominating the meta here lately and we are probably about to start seeing Preceptors march on the tabletop as well.

What do you think about the previews for Canis Rex? Will you be picking one up or making a custom model?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

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