Rogue Trader New Release Lineup & Pricing CONFIRMED

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It’s exciting times for 40k Kill Team players this week. Check out the confirmed prices and release lineup for Rogue Trader!

If you weren’t sure with what you wanted to spend your hobby bucks on, take a look at the GW’s next set of scheduled releases to hit the shelves. Multiple retailers have already confirmed the pricing.

In case the earlier previews of the Rogue Trader box, you can check it out now.

Kill Team: Rogue Trader $130

kill team rogue trader

This set will come with both Kill Teams, a playing board, data cards for both Kill Teams, supplemental 40k Codexes, and more. Ultimately, it’ll have everything you need to play Kill Team as well as the rules for both factions in 40k.

It looks like there will be twenty-three Gellerpox models and only ten Elucidian Starstrider models. Be careful and play tactically if you’re going to be using the Rogue Traders. They can’t afford to lose too many units like the Gellerpox can.

Elucidian Starstrider Dice $12.50

rogue trader

Roll in style with the dice of your favorite faction. Will you be using the Elucidian Starstriders or the twisted Gellerpox Infected? As a Rogue Trader, you’ll need to clear the corridors of the ship and take back the ground that Nurgle is wanting to be a part of.

Gellerpox Dice $12.50

kill team rogue trader

It’s looking to be like some good value both rules and model wise inside the box. Considering you get two factions with exclusive models and rules that you can use in Kill Team and 40k alone is enticing. But you will also get a gaming board along with missions and different objectives to add icing to the cake.

Will you be picking up this box set? Have you thought about throwing these units into your 40k list? What Kill Team do you play now? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

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