Smoke Detected: This Week’s Rumor Engine

gw store rumor engine

Smoke is filling up the air again this morning with the latest rumor engine. Take a look and make your guesses as to what it could be!

Warhammer Community gave us a heads up again this morning with this week’s rumor engine. We’ve already seen something that looks like a possible Primaris transport. So could this be something else on the way for Primaris?

Smoke Detected

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Right off the bat, this looks just like a smoke grenade for something in 40k. We won’t automatically shut down AoS guesses but that is screaming  “smoke grenade”. Could this be a part of a new Primaris model on the way to the tabletop? As we’ve said before, last week’s rumor engine seemed to point towards some kind of Primaris transport.

Maybe this is part of a base/cosmetic detail for a bigger model like a character.


On the other side of things, this could even be some kind of objective marker with an Imperial theme. We’ve seen this happen before with AoS 2.0. When AoS got a reboot, they also came out with “realm objective markers”.

Perhaps when/if Primaris gets an overhaul in 2019, they’ll be getting an objective marker pack. This would actually be a pretty cool idea. Space Marines would definitely be using smoke grenades to signal different things in battle.

What would you want this bit to be a part of? do you think it could actually have rules? Could some Primaris model actually throw a smoke grenade “once per game” and have some kind of effect?  Is it a smoke grenade after all or are you seeing something else?

Let us know what you think in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

cartoon ear whisper rumor

More rumor engine’s left to solve!