GW Rolling Out 40k Orks On Bigger Bases

By Wesley Floyd | October 2nd, 2018 | Categories: Orks, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

speed freeks orks GW's Fall Release Roadmap? Grots, Orks, Rogue Trader & Primarchs

It’s finally Orktober, and the ladz everywhere are talking about a picture that’s raising some eyebrows in the Ork community.

GW posted a picture recently that is showcasing most of the Speed Freeks units together. But there’s something a little “off” in the photo. Let’s break it all down.

Speed Freeks Speedwaaagh!

GW Rolling Out 40k Orks On Bigger Bases

Looking at the most recent pic of some Speed Freeks, notice a giant Battlewagon in the midst? We originally thought that the Speed Freeks box would have small, fast units like Bikes and Dragstas. It’s not been confirmed, but could a Battlewagon come inside too?

speed freeks

All we have to go off of is this blurry pic of some sprues from a while back. We can see some bits on the yellow and red sprues that are obviously not Battlewagon material…but what about the brown sprue set in the top right? We can’t get a good look at it and the blurry picture doesn’t help either. But that sprue is raising some question as to what it could be.

That’s not all people are noticing…

GW Rolling Out 40k Orks On Bigger Bases

32 mm orks

By the looks of the picture, Orks are getting 32mm bases. It’s not been confirmed, but this picture might be a glimpse into the future of Ork armies. If you know an Ork player, he’s probably got about 200 Boyz that are all on 25mm bases. You can probably hear the groans of Ork players finding out that Orks coming on 32mm is a real possibility now.

We also saw 32mm bases on the Lootas for Kill Team as well, so this may not be a question of if, but when?

It’s not the worst news a payer could have in all honesty. Let’s look at this from a tactical standpoint and mix it all in with the most recent FAQ.

Tactical Big-Basery

orks walpaper

Seeing as flying units can’t jump over things anymore, bubble wrapping just got a lot better. But if you’re an Ork player, you’re probably going to be using Boyz to crush whatever the problem is under the weight of green bodies. So, if Orks get bigger bases, area denial is going to be a huge bonus for you. On 32mm bases, a 30-man Ork Boy unit will take up a lot more real-estate than before.

This can be good and bad. You’ll essentially be able to deny your opponent from deepstriking anywhere he wants, but your deployment will be a bit tighter too. As for late-game map control, you could shut off an entire section of the map with Shoota Boyz and unload horrible Ballistic-Skill firepower into anything that gets close.

weirdboy lore

Another thing to be extremely cautious of is when you decide to jump your Boyz with Da Jump. Ork players have been able to get off some pretty cheeky moves by being able to cram 30 Boyz into an area the size of a Rhino. That will be a thing of the past if Orks go to 32mm bases. Players won’t have to try so hard to create that 9″ safety bubble around their units anymore. Ork players will also have a harder time fitting all their Boyz into combat.

If you’ve played a game against Orks, you’ll know that coming in contact with a Slugga-Choppa Boy unit is almost certain death. They get an unholy amount of attacks that can bury almost anything in dice. If Orks go to 32mm bases, fewer models will be able to pile in and be close enough to actually swing.

ork wal hor

At the end of the day, it’s all speculation. GW hasn’t blatantly come out and said that Orks are moving to 32mm bases, but the picture above and for Kill Team doesn’t seem to lie.

What do you think about Orks in 8th edition? Do you think a Battlewagon will come inside Speed Freeks? Should Boyz stay on 25mm bases?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.