Order of Operations: Sisters of Battle LORE


The Sisters of Battle have a well organized militant structure making them a formidable fighting force. Let’s learn more about these futuristic warriors.

There are many fascists to these Imperial warrior women. Let’s learn more about their battle classifications known as Orders.

Via our good friends at Lexicanum

Commonly known as the Sisters of Battle, the Orders Militant are the most numerous and well known of the Adepta Soritas. They are the only official fighting force of the Ecclesiarchy and often prosecute Wars of Faith. They also form the Chamber Militant of the Ordo Hereticus and often fight alongside the Inquisitors of that Ordo.

Order of the Blood Rose

order of the bloody rose sisters of battle

The Order is based on Ophelia VII within the Convent Sanctorum and was founded along with the Order of the Sacred Rose by Ecclesiarch Deacis VI in honour of Sister Mina mid-M38. Their colours are blood red power armour and black cloaks with white linings. Their weapons are the same black as their cloaks. The Order is well known for their conviction to bring a swift end to their enemies similar to their patron saint. Consequently, Dominion Squads of the Bloody Rose are of particular renown, where their mission and the Order’s convictions coalesce to make for ferocious assaults by these squads.

Order of Our Martyred Lady


The Order is based in the Convent Sanctorum on Ophelia VII. The order was originally called the Order of the Fiery Heart and was founded by order of the Ecclesiarch Alexis XXII when the Convent Sanctorum was split. Their first leader and Patron Saint was Canoness Katherine, who led her order for many decades before being murdered by the Witch-cult of Mnestteus.

So moved by her death were her Sisters that they changed the orders name to the Order of Our Martyred Lady in her honour. The Order wore the black of mourning for their lost lady for many centuries afterward, a style consisting of black armor and black cloaks with red lining, with red used for weaponry and white used for unit insignia and piping around the cloaks. After the Order’s losses on Armageddon, the majority of the Preceptories changed the cloth color to all red, with the first line of the Fede Imperialis stitched between parallel lines of silver along the bottom edge to remind them of the martyring of their Sisters on Armageddon.

The Order has determination beyond even their fellow Sisters of the other orders, forever driven to avenge the death of Katherine and their Sisters who fall in battle. To their enemies, they are not known for mercy, but instead for thorough and utter destructiveness.

Order of the Valorous Heart

order of the valorous heart sisters of battle

The Order is based on Ophelia VII within the Convent Sanctorum, founded when the convent was split by Ecclesiarch Alexis XXII. Their original leader was Lucia, one of the Sisters who accompanied Alicia Dominica to the Golden Throne during the Age of Apostasy . Their colours are black armour, black cloaks with a white lining and white gloves. The only trace of red is on their Ecclesiarchal symbol. These colours are the original colors of the Convent Sanctorum, which the Order inherited after the Convent was split in two.

Sisters of the Order are driven by the belief that they still must atone for the Sisterhood’s acts as an unwitting accomplice to Goge Vandire during the Reign of Blood. Like their patron saint, the Order is highly penitent, always striving for atonement for even the slightest perceived sin. A disproportionate number of Sisters in this Order exile themselves to the Sisters Repentia compared to the other Major Orders. Because they are constantly reminded of the Reign of Blood, Sisters of the Valorous Heart can be particularly suspicious of those who would call themselves prophets of the Emperor.

Order of the Sacred Rose

Order of the Sacred Rose sisters of battle

The Order is based on Terra within the Convent Prioris and was founded in honour of Sister Arabella along with the Order of the Bloody Rose by Ecclesiarch Deacis VI in mid-M38. Their colours are white armour, black cloaks with red linings and red weapons.. The order strives to emulate their patron saint and her virtues of discipline, even-temperment, and resolute determination. This resolve to stay calm in battle has particularly benefited Retributor Squads, who use her as a role model to avoid doubt and rash action while wielding their heavy weapons.

Order of the Ebon Chalice

Order of the Ebon Chalice sisters of battle

The Order was founded by Ecclesiarch Alexis XXII when he split the Sisters of the Convent Prioris on Terra, where the Order remains based remain based. Their first leader and most honoured Saint is Alicia Dominica. Their colours are black armour, white cloaks with red linings. Their weapons are a deep red. These were the original colours of the Convent Prioris and even further to the original uniforms of the Daughters of the Emperor which the Order inherited when the Convent was split, and has been unchanged for four thousand years.

Though not originally recognized under the current name, the Order of the Ebon Chalice represents the original and oldest Order Militant, the direct continuation of the original founding as the Daughters of the Emperor, with combat and religious doctrine, like their uniforms, unchanged for four thousand years. The Order’s symbol, a flaming skull-filled chalice, is a representation of the terrible knowledge imparted to Dominica when she was brought before the Golden Throne.

Order of the Argent Shroud

Order of the Argent Shroud sisters of battle

The Order was founded by Ecclesiarch Alexis XXII when the Convent Prioris was split, with their first leader and honoured Saint being Sister Silvana. They are based on Terra within the Convent Prioris. Their armor is silver along with a white cloak lined in red. Silvana was martyred shortly after they were split from the Order of the Ebon Chalice and before their own identity had been made. The fledgling Order took their name and symbol from the silvery impression of her skull upon her death shroud.

Like their patron saint, the Order is altruistic and strong of faith. The Sisters of the Order, like Silvana, rarely speak, preferring to let their actions speak for them, and often these actions speak of selfless heroism.

Find out more about the Orders Militant