Orktober 3D Printed Bits For Orks & Space Marines

By Tim Roberts | October 14th, 2018 | Categories: 3D Printing, Orks, Product Review, Space Marines, Videos

If you are looking for some great new 3D printed bits for your next hobby project in Orktober then Pop Goes The Monkey has you covered!

Just in time for all the Warhammer 40k Orktober releases. Pop Goes The Monkey has some great new 3D printed parts for not just Orks but almost any army you can think of.

Let’s take a look at some of their new additions and see if we can find you a must have for your next hobby project.


These are some great quality bits and one of the reasons we are showing them off is that Shapeways may be adjusting all of their pricing for vendors and customers alike soon:  3D Bits Are Getting a Price Hike At ShapewaySo, now might be the time to scoop up some of these custom bits for your army.

Though Pop Goes The Monkey’s products are grandfathered in for the remainder of 2018, no one knows exactly what these great products will cost when the new year hits.


In our latest video feature below, we take you through the Pop Goes The Monkey site and shows of a few of the almost 2,000 designs that they have created for the wargaming community.  Rob also shows off a few bits from various projects that he is working on personally for his Deathwatch to boot.


We know that a lot of you lads out there are ready for some Ork releases, and Pop has you covered! Rob shows us some size comparison with this massive sheet of Orky emblems and glyphs next to one of the newest creations from Kromlech.

Don’t fret if you have a specific Ork clan in mind Pop Goes The Monkey has you covered with all their bits.


Last but not least we get to see just how easy it is to plug and play these bits. No mold lines, very little trimming, and you are ready to go.

These bits are a great way to customize your next project. Make sure you visit Pop Goes The Monkey and take a look at what they have to offer and get your order in before the price goes up after the holidays!

As always keep those hobby muscles strong, stay in the trenches and check out our Orktober 3D Printed Bits For Orks & Space Marines video below!

Bits provided for promotion & review.