The Y-Wing is Back: Go Team Rebels! X-Wing 2.0

By Barclay Montgomery | March 20th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0


The Y-Wing is the work-horse of the Rebel fleet, and adding fighter support can make them deadly. Watch as Arvel Crynyd and Horton Salm team up! 

arvel The Y-Wing is Back: Go Team Rebels! X-Wing 2.0

The Y-Wing is Back: Go Team Rebels! X-Wing 2.0

Arvel Crynyd, the bane of Super Star Destroyers everywhere, is ready to fly right into your opponent’s ships! This initiative 3 A-wing pilot will be able to get in the way of enemy Ace pilots of higher initiatives and can even block actions with his Vectored Thrusters.

First, Arvel is able to perform attacks on ships at range 0. He also has the ability to perform boosts even if he would overlap an enemy ship; you would just treat this boost as having partially executed a maneuver. This works well with his Thrusters since he can perform a boost after performing an action.


Composure will keep Arvel in the fight. Since failing a boost is what Arvel wants to do with his pilot ability to treat them as executing a partial maneuver, Composure can allow him to perform a focus action. This can set Arvel up with a focus token for his range 0 attack!

Horton Salm

Horton Salm will have the killing blow ready for Arvel’s target. Horton is a Y-wing pilot at initiative 4 and can greatly benefit from Arvel’s ability. Horton is able to reroll 1 attack die for each other friendly ship at range 0-1 of the defender. Once Arvel has them in place, Horton can finish them off! Proton Torpedoes

Proton Torpedoes will be just the thing to take out those enemy ships. Firing off at range 2-3, this 4 dice attack will need a target lock, and can spend 1 energy to change 1 hit to a crit result. If Arvel is in place, Horton will be able to reroll at least 1 attack die, which isn’t bad considering you can turn a blank into a hit into a crit easily!

Saturation Salvo

After Horton has attacked, make sure your enemy is dead with Saturation Salvo. While you perform a torpedo attack, you may spend 1 energy from that upgrade to choose 2 defense dice; the defender must reroll those dice. Even after your enemy had evaded damage from your Proton Torpedoes, you can use an energy to make sure that those evade results get rolled away.

This one-two combo can leave any Imperial Ace running for safety once you side with Team Rebel in X-Wing 2.0!

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