Blackstone Fortress Unboxed Previews Sprues & More

By Wesley Floyd | November 6th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

blackstone fortress

Blackstone Fortress is right around the corner and we are finally looking at the sprues of the models inside. Check out the latest updates!

Games Workshop dropped a preview that gave us a deeper look inside the box. We can check out the sprues of the minis inside for conversion inspiration and new model hype. Without any more delay, let’s go over everything.

The game is set on the adventure of Janus Draik and his companions into the (you guessed it) Blackstone Fortress. The twist is that they aren’t the only ones in there and the creatures lurking the corridors know that Janus and his men are inside.

blackstone fortress box

The game is coming jam-packed with brand new minis that are going to be completely playable on the 40k tabletop.

BS cards

Cards can be used to create persisting effects between your games, from the Legacy cards, which offer unique challenges in each campaign playthrough, to a range of upgrades, weapons and other useful equipment

Precipice in the Game

precipice board

Precipice is the place where Janus recruited his followers. A game board showing Precipice and different kinds of spacecraft will be in the game as well. We aren’t exactly sure what kind of effect this will have while playing but it most definitely is a nice spice of detail.

Blackstone Minis on Sprue

janus party

In your adventures, you’ll choose from one of the eight explorers included – those daring, foolish or insane enough to brave the depths of the Blackstone Fortress. Each explorer is a distinct character with their own backstory, motivations, and models. These are the kinds of characters you’ve read about for years in the background but are rarely seen on the tabletop – like Imperial Navigator Espern Locarno, or mighty robot UR-025.

blackstone mini sprue

Starting with the red sprue, it looks like there’s a grand total of at least seven minis packed into it.

Going from left to right, here are the models we can pick out:

  • UR-025
  • Eldar Ranger model
  • Kroot
  • Ministorum Priest
  • Missionary Zealot
  • Ratlings
  • Janus(?)
  • Imperial Navigator

chaos party

First and foremost amongst these are a trio of magnificent Chaos Space Marines sculpted in the baroque and terrifying splendour such characters have always deserved:

As well as reinventing some classics, the set features a host of Chaos worshippers never-before realised in plastic (if at all), including Traitor Guardsmen, Rogue Psykers, Chaos Beastmen and the Negavolt Cultists.

blackstone mini sprue 2

  • Renegade Guardsmen
  • Ur Ghul
  • Sorcerer models
  • Negavolt Cultists
  • Chaos Lord
  • Chaos Marines
  • Beastmen

Check out these scale references to the size of these new Chaos Space Marines

new chaos scale

From this, it looks like the new models may be more on point size-wise with Primaris Marines.

An Ever-Changing Board

Blackstone Fortress board

The board will come broken up in tiles that you can switch around between each game. This is to touch on the ever-twisting corridors inside the fortress itself. No two games will be exactly alike.

Datacards for Each Hero

janus datacard

As Gw touched on before, each hero has a backstory that has been talked about at some point or another in the 40k lore. These heroes will have cards for you to help keep up with what’s going on in the game. It looks like it will be similar to the Silver Tower cards.

Point Values Revealed for Blackstone Units in 40k

 on Twitter posted a pic of a points table showing the Blackstone Fortress units’ points values for 40k. We are still waiting for the data sheets to pop up from GW showing us their rules. But for now, let’s take a look at the points!

blackstone preview valrak

blackstone points table

As far as using the new models in 40k goes, it looks like Chaos players are lucking out and getting the better end of the deal. They’re getting all completely new units to bring into their force.

Going off a few of these models, it looks like they won’t be half bad. Rogue Psykers are only 30 points a piece! They can probably only cast one psychic power or even just smite…but that’s not bad at all when you can bring three in a list and do 3D3 mortal wounds!

What do you think about the sprues? Will you be picking up a box to use the bits as a conversion or will you be grabbing these up for some 40k tabletop action? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.