Imperial Fist Primaris Upgrade Sprue Pics Finally Spotted

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Imperial Fists have been the talk of the town ever since a Primaris Sergeant was spotted with a Power Fist. Check out the latest on the upgrade sprue.

If you haven’t heard already on the cover of the Imperial Fist Battleforce box, you can see a Primaris Sergeant holding up a Power Fist. The community at large seems to think that this is just a harbinger for what’s to come for Primaris in the future.

primaris captain power fist

The first time we ever saw a Power Fist on a Primaris model was a store exclusive Captain. Now, we’re seeing them on Imperial Fist Primaris.

Imperial Fists: Supremacy Force

imperial fists

Primaris Captain $35
Intercessors $60
Helblasters $35
Aggressors $50
Redemptor Dreadnought $65

Total Cost: $245
Total Savings: $75

The units that are coming inside the Imperial Fist Battleforce are definitely fluff-oriented. They are all about siege warfare, bringing the heavy-hitting punishers to the field. The Dreadnought, Hellblasters, and Aggressors would be an abundance in a Fist armory. 

Primaris Upgrade Sprue

imperial fist powerfist

Coming from CM Valrak:

primaris power fist bit

It looks like you won’t just be getting a single model with a Power Fist. Three will be in the box! On top of that, You’ll have plenty of Imperial Fist pauldron insignias to go around.

imperial first BF sprue 1

imperial first bf sprue 2

Valrak had some kind of connection to get these pics sent to him. Looking at the sprues, they’re exactly what you’d expect from GW. They’re high quality and it looks like there might be three total copies of this sprue in the new battleforce box.

It’s a rare commodity when you can find enough Imperial Fist shoulder pads to make an entire army out of. It’s nice to see GW taking steps towards helping out some other “less talked about” chapters.

What are your thoughts on Primaris with Power Fists? Will Imperial Fists start to receive even more unique support? Which Battleforce are you going to be getting? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.