Need some more Ork conversions in your life? Check out the Orkish Mad Max list from a while back! Each conversion was a labor of love from a creative fan!
Hello everyone! Brandon here from GMM Studios with a little blast from the past, Adepticon style!
Mad Morks Conversion Army
I’ve been going to Adepticon for years now. Every year I try to top or at least match the year before in not only creativity, but size, quality, and charm of the army.
I tend to take 2 months or so from work and just pour myself into the project of the year right before the event. The third year I really wanted to take the theme and scale to a new level! So without further ado, “Mad Morks.”
Mad Mork Himself
The most important model was, of course, Max himself. Based off a Warmachine model with added Ork gubbinz, a pig for a doggie, and the boomerang kid Grot.
Mina Morker
Mina Morker is the Ogre Kingdoms female maneater with a swap to give her a “counts as” combi weapon, and some longer hair. Sexy, no?
Master Blaster
Master Blaster is again, a Warmachine model with scratch built platform and a Forge World Grot for the Master.
Post Apocalyptic Trukks
The trukks are simply the two Forge World kits spliced together. Orks were sprinkled on top for good measure.
No Ork (or Mad Max) army would be complete without an arsenal of unique trukks. Each model looks like it was the brainchild of some overly-excited Big Mek.
The Tanker
The tanker is my favorite vehicle in this army. The tank itself is all scratch except for the wheels. It’s actually PVC pipe with lots of plasticard!
These kits were primarily Forge World Battlewagons with a dusting of some extra Orks on top!
Homegrown Buggies
These Buggy models may be old, but they still outshine the detail of GW’s newer models. Each one is a one-of-a-kind creation.
Apocalyptic Legwork
Lastly, would you believe that the Boyz in the army weren’t even made from a single full kit? Every model is a spliced creation of random bits from aftermarket brands!
Armies that got the extra mile to bring otherworldly detail into the smallest minis like Troops are what keeps the hobby spirit alive. These are the kinds of armies that stand the test of time and people think back to for inspiration.
Keep up with my latest work on Facebook, or connect with me on the blog! –GMM Studio