New Genestealer Cult Models & Codex Rules LATEST

Genestealer Cult

New Genestealer Cult models were just spotted at the Vigilus open. Check out the latest on new GSC and their rumored Codex rules as well!

The Genestealer Cult are under the spotlight once again with more Vigilus Open previews. This isn’t the first time we’ve heard of Genestealer Cult on Vigilus. As far as the campaign goes, Space Wolves were dispatched to deal with a Cult uprising in the Tooth and Claw Box Set.

Tooth & Claw



That was the first time we saw the new Aberrant models and the Abominant character. Cult have been the at the epicenter of some rumors for quite some time now. 

Genestealer Cult haven’t stopped their work at overthrowing the entire planet of Vigilus. It looks like now they’re starting to use even more “equipment”:

Genestealer Cult Uprising

Did you really think that just because some Astartes showed up on Vigilus that the Cult would stop their advancements? That just took a target off their back. They’ve been gathering supplies where they could find them and it looks like they’ve got a couple of new unit on the way.

GW also announced that the Cult codex is next in line. Be sure to check out their rumored Warlord Traits and Stratagems that were recently spotted as well!

Looks like that digital topical layout of Warhammer World is officially confirmed from the rumor engine in this new preview.

Vigilus Rumor Engine Weekender

Vigilus Rumor Engine Weekender

Yep – he’s planning to infiltrate somewhere that looks very much like Warhammer World itself! Looks like he’s planning a visit.


gsc bikes 1

Cult Neophytes are on T3 and these bikes look like they’re nothing more than some rugged off-roaders. Will Cult players be able to field a bunch of these for cheap but have them drop like flies? They look like they’ll be T4 with maybe two wounds. (These are just some guesses going by the models).

This model is so unique from the other bikers. He might be a character with a badass sniper. (Let’s hope they ignore heavy or at least hit on a 2+.)

Plus what looks to be an ATV for the cult as well!


Check out the case pictures below from hobby hero Garro!

cult bikers

That Gunslinger model in the back has yet to make an appearance as well. He was originally spotted in a case along with the Abominant and Aberrants from a Warhammer Fest.

gsc bikes e3

Going by the picture, it looks like you can bring an ATV with a heavy weapon option in each 5-man squad of bikes.

This may be similar to the way Tactical Marines work with special/heavy weapons.

What do you think of the new Cult models? Will a full-bike list be a viable option? Do you like the dirtbike/ATV look for the army? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group. 

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