Top 5 Best Starter Box Set Values GW Has to Offer


Need more recommendations for starter sets in your hobby? Check out the value inside of our top 5 starter sets from Games Workshop for both 40k and AoS!

Getting into any hobby can be expensive. That’s why you have to be a smart shopper whenever you can. Take a look at the value inside this list of starter box sets. If you find these lying around during your holiday shopping, it definitely wouldn’t be a bad idea to pick up.

1. Betrayal at Calth $150

betrayal at calth

  • Heroes Box $50
  • Mark IV Marines $50 (x3 Units)
  • Cataphractii Terminators $65
  • Contemptor Dreadnought $60

Total MSRP: $325 Box Set Savings $175

The box’s cost value makes it worth it alone. But what’s especially so great about this box is that it comes with plastic 30k models. That makes this box cross-playable in 30k and 40k. You’re opening the door to two games and saving $150+ when you buy this box.

2.Burning of Prospero $150

burning of prospero

  • Ahirman $40
  • Greigor ??
  • 5 Tartaros Terminators $60
  • 30 Legion Veterans (Mk III armor) $50 each
  • 5 Custodian Guard $60
  • 5 Sisters of Silence $40

Total MSRP: $350-380 Box set savings: $170+

Based on the 30k battle on the Thousand Sons home planet, the Space Wolves were allied up with the Custodians to bring down Magnus after he broke through the Psychic barrier on Terra. This is another plastic heresy box that lets a player play 30k and 40k.

3. Knight Renegade 2018 $195

renegade box

  • 2x Imperial Knights (one made into Renegade) $160 ea.
  •  Sector Mechanicus Galvanic Magnavent $75
  • Knight Decal sheet $15-20

Total MSRP: $410 Total Savings: $215

This box is one that you’d more than likely be splitting with a friend that plays Imperium or Chaos (Whichever one you don’t play). You still get two Knight seven though they are slightly limited in what you can make from the two. For example, you wouldn’t be able to put a fist on both Knights.  Regardless, you’re getting two Knights and some terrain for basically the cost of one.

4. Talons of the Emperor $150

talons of the emperor

  • 5 man set of Adeptus Custodes (spears/storm shields) $60
  • Contemptor Dreadnought $60
  • Venerable Land Raider (las cannons or heavy bolters) $74.25
  •  5 man Sisters of Silence squad $40
  • A Null-Maiden Rhino $37.25

Total MSRP:$271.50 Total Savings:$121.50

This box is a solid starter set for 40k with most of the units inside usable in 30k as well. Custodes just so happen to be VERY good in both versions of the grimdark universe. (which makes the box even sweeter).

5. Blightwar $160


Stormcast Eternals:

  • 3x Vanguard-Raptors $35
  • 3x Vanguard-Palladors $60
  • 5x Vanguard Hunters $30 (Half box)
  • Neave Blacktalon $25

Nurgle Daemons:

  • 10x Plaguebeaers $29
  • 3x Nurglings $25
  • 3x Plague Drones $60
  • Horticulous Slimux $55

Total MSRP: $319 Total Savings: $159

Blightwar comes with two of the more powerful factions in AoS. On top of that, the Daemons inside can even be played in 40k. Not only are you saving almost $160You can also play one of the factions across two games!

Thes boxes are starting to get some age to them so they may be hard to find. (You can still buy Blightwar on GW’s site.) If you manage to come across one of these value sets, it may not be a bad idea to seize the savings and snatch it up!

What do you think about these box sets? Which one is your favorite? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.