Top Takeaways For 40k From Vigilus Open Day

By Wesley Floyd | March 20th, 2019 | Categories: Vigilus, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors


Vigilus was chock full O’ previews and there are a few takeaways for Warhammer 40k that should be mentioned now that everything is over with.

If you missed all the latest coming to the hobby scene from Vigilus Open Day, be sure you bring yourself up to speed. Let’s go over a few takeaways from the event that may have been easy to overlook.

Space Marine Characters can Turn Primaris

marneus calgar New 40k Campaign Book & Primaris Space Marines For DEC

Marneus Calgar is getting a new model. After being in Terminator armor for years, he decided to give the ol’ Rubicon Primaris a spin. He turned out just fine and is the first named Primaris Chapter Master.

Does that mean that we are going to see Primaris characters push the older named characters out? (Maybe with new Primaris versions of the old ones).  This is something to think about.

According to GW though, Power Armor Marines are here to stay!

The Warbringer Titan has Interchangeable Reaver Weapons

Games Workshop confirmed that the Warbringer-Nemesis Titan and Reaver Titan have completely interchangeable arm weapons.

warbringer weapons


The Volcano cannon also got a welcome update as well. Looking more like the Warlord-class Titan’s cannon, more and more detail are being thrown into these models wherever Forge World can put it.

Formations are Coming Back to 40k

vigilus defiant

According to hobby hero, Garro, who was at the Open Day, Formations are supposed to be coming back to 40k.

Formations are coming back to 40k 8th edition in a brand new way. Players will have the option of buying a formation with CP before the game even starts. These formations will be usable in Narrative and Matched play and will give buffs to certain units you take. for example, Orks will be able to take a Stompa as a Warlord with it’s own set of Warlord traits.

These formations are also going to be Keyword-dependent.

If you remember the older formations from previous editions, you had to fill out X, Y, Z unit choices in order to get the buff. Word has it that in this coming add-on to the game, the formations don’t care what units you take as long as you remain battleforged. However, the formation will only buff certain units with a matching keyword.

Genestealer Cult’s Codex is Next in Line with New Models

new genestealers

We’ve been seeing droves of new GSC models pop up for a while now. We’ve actually only seen the Abominant and updated Aberrant models hit the shelves so far. Vigilus threw even more GSC models at the community sparking even more excitement. GW also announced that the GSC Codex is next in the queue

Vigilus Rumor Engine Weekender

Vigilus Rumor Engine Weekender

Yep – he’s planning to infiltrate somewhere that looks very much like Warhammer World itself! Looks like he’s planning a visit.


gsc bikes 1

Cult Neophytes are only T3 and these bikes look like they are nothing more than some rugged off-roaders. Will Cult players be able to field a bunch of these for cheap but have them drop like flies? They look like they’ll be T4 with maybe two wounds. (These are just some guesses going by the models).

We’re guessing this is a character model the way she? is separate from the other biker models.

Check out the case pictures below from hobby hero Garro!

cult bikers

That Gunslinger model in the back has yet to make an appearance as well. He was originally spotted in a case along with the Abominant and Aberrants from a Warhammer Fest.

gsc bikes e3

Going by the picture, it looks like you can bring an ATV with a heavy weapon option in each 5-man squad of bikes.

This may be similar to the way Tactical Marines work with special/heavy weapons.

What are your thoughts on the future of 40k? Are you excited to see the Cult’s power level when their codex drops? Can you take some guesses on what other formations will look like? What are some other characters that you think will turn Primaris?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.