Vigilus Defiant: New List of 40k Rulebook Reveals

primaris book cover hor marine

Check out the list of new content for a ton of different factions that was spotted in the 40k Vigilus Defiant rulebook trailer GW just dropped.

In case you haven’t seen it, here is the trailer for the new Vigilus Defiant Campaign Book

Now I did a bunch of freeze-framing to try and decipher some of the content. Mostly looking for a new Primarch myself (I didn’t see one) BUT there are some cool tidbits to be gleaned. It looks like every faction will be represented in the book.

I didn’t see ever one, but it was such a diverse cross-section I think it is safe to assume everyone is included vice leaving one or two factions out.

I’ll post all the screenshots below, but here is some info gleaned. This is just focusing on the Forces section in the back of the book, not all the fluff at the beginning.

  • New Stratagems and Missions
  • A LOT of Ork Stuff
    • Stompa Mobs
    • Multiple Clans
    • Mek Forces
    • Speed Freeks
  • Genestealer Cults- they had the only page where I thought I saw wargear and points…
  • Imperial Fists
  • Crimson Fists
  • Sons of the Phoenix
  • 2 or 3 Other Primaris Chapters
  • Dark Angels
  • Ultramarines (Obviously)
  • Necrons – and a mention of the War of Beasts?
  • Knights
  • Astra Militarum
  • Adeptus Mechanicus
  • Militarum Tempestus
  • Adeptus Sororitas
  • Various Chaos Forces



Stompa Mobs and GSC Wargear and Points


Mek Forces

Ork Clans

Speed Freaks

Imperial Fists and Crimson Fists

Forces of the Crimson Fists and the White Consuls?

2 more Primaris Chapters the one on the right may be the Spears of the Emperor aka the Brosidens.

Sons of the Phoenix and Ad Mech

Forces of the Dark Angels

Ad Mech and Militarum Tempestus

Astra Militarum and Sororitas

Sororitas and Knights

A better GSC Shot

“Necrons Phase in the War of the Beasts”?


So what do you think from these quick screencaps from the video? Looks like GSC are getting some sorta points for something, and tons more content and perhaps stratagems for Matched play are coming our way in just a few short weeks!

Blood_angels_wp_baal_by_voldreth-d49800f-CopySepulchre of Heroes