New Changes For Age of Sigmar 2.0: Winter FAQ REVEALED

By Wesley Floyd | December 17th, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Do you want new Age of Sigmar rules, because this is how we get them? It’s a little early but it looks like tons of changes are here in GW latest BIG FAQ!

Games Workshop dove into Age of Sigmar and made a ton of small changes here and there. We’ll be looking at some of the bigger things. Check it out!

Some of Age of Sigmar’s gameplay was changed with Games Workshop’s Winter FAQ. We’ll be going over some of the bigger things that we spotted but make sure you go into your faction’s changes and read over everything carefully.

According to their established schedule, normally the FAQ comes out in January, however maybe they wanted to give players a little more time to ponder some holiday buys, and their LVO 2019 army construction!

aos big faq

Core Rules & Clarifications

skaven verminlord hor wal

  • If a model is slain multiple times in a unit and keeps coming back more than once in a turn, you still have to count its deaths towards the bravery check at the end of the turn.
  • If a spell/ability forces you to make a Bravery check, you do it at the modified Bravery your unit has currently…i.e if you lost 5 models, you’d be -5 on the test.
  • To be considered “wholly within” something in-game, every part of all of the bases in the unit must be in the bubble.

Grand Alliance: Order

wild riders


  • Wild Riders can take shields now. However, the shield comes at a cost. Elves aren’t known to be the strongest race of the bunch so you’ll be slowed down for being a little extra tanky. It might almost be better to just keep your movement speed.

Wild Rider Shields: You can re-roll save rolls of 1 for attacks that target a unit carrying Wild Rider Shields. In addition, subtract 2 from the Move characteristic of a unit carrying Wild Rider Shields.’

Grand Alliance: Chaos

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  • Enrapturing Banners and Hellstriders give off a 6″ -1 to hit bubble for enemy units.
  • Harpies, Slaughterbrute, and  Mutalith Vortex Beast all got the Monster of Chaos keyword added.

Legions of Nagash


  • The Guardian of Souls is getting thrown into Nagash’s Legions which may be a welcome surprise. Not a huge change, but hey, it’s a new unit.

Idoneth Deepkin

Idoneth Deepkin

The Ethersea for Deepkin got reworked a bit. Now, you won’t have quite as many options to place your shipwrecks. Especially if your opponent has a similar ability.

There may have been minor changes here and there, but they were sprinkled across almost every faction. Make sure you read up on what exactly changed for your army.

What do you think about this FAQ? Does this make your army more playable? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.