Tau Commander Farsight’s The Eight Rules SPOTTED!

By Wesley Floyd | December 14th, 2018 | Categories: Tau, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Have you seen all the new rules for the larger than life Tau Commander Farsight’s Loyal Eight in 8th Edition Warhammer 40k? Let’s take a look at the latest.

Farsight’s Loyal eight are getting a deeper preview today after some pictures of their stats were spotted on Imgur, and we can see exactly what the Eight are bringing to the table.

Prepare yourself because these stat sheets are LOADED with information. It looks similar to the Kill Team sheets for Deathwatch.

Commander Farsight’s Eight

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Clocking in at a massive 52 Powel Level, the Eight have set-wargear that you can’t change. They also come with For the Greater Good obviously. You’ll also have to set the Eight up all at the same time. However, they don’t need to be placed in unit coherency. On top of that, each Character in the unit is treated as a separate unit after deployment and have a Power Rating of 7. 

Now looking at the stats of the Eight, Everything aside from the drones and two Battlesuits (The Broadside and Riptide) have a 2+ Ballistic Skill. When you think about how devastating Tau shooting is on a 4+, imagine what these guys can do in the right circumstance.

Signature Systems of the Eight

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Each of the Eight is bringing some kind of signature trick up their sleeve. Looking at a few for example:

  • Commander Farsight: is the leader of the bunch. He can still call Mont’ka once per game and reroll hit rolls of 1 for friendly farsight Enclaves within 6″ of him in the fight phase.  (Or any phase if the target is Orks).
  • Commander Brightswordhas a pair of Warscaper Drones that subtract 2 from enemy unit’s charge roll while they are within 12″.
  • Commander Bravestorm: has a 6+++ FNP with his Advanced Support Cocoon.
  • Sha’vastos: is taking the Index relic which lets someone reroll a hit, wound, or damage roll as well as generate a CP on a 6+.
  • Arra’kon: has a couple of drones that do a mortal wound to a unit on a 2+. Not bad considering there will almost always be a cost to get into contact with him.
  • Torchstar: has one of the more oppressive systems preventing enemy units arriving from reinforcements to be set up within 12″ of him. Any unit also has to subtract 1 from hit rolls that target him.
  • Ob’lotai 9-0: Ignores the penalty to moving and firing heavy weapons as well as taking 1 less damage from whatever manages to wound him.
  • O’vesa: is the Riptide of the bunch. He comes stock with a 5++ invulnerable save and can reroll hit rolls of 1. Each time he charges his Nova Reactor, he ignores the mortal wound on a 4+. (The Nova Reactor overcharging is the same as a normal Riptide)

The Eight’s Weapons

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As for their wargear, they can’t be changed (because they’re all named characters). The stats for all of their firepower is in one section for you to refer to.

Key Points to Taking The Eight Detachment

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  • Commander Farsight has to be your Warlord if you take this detachment.
  • Your Warlord (Farsight) gains Hero of the Enclaves and can heroic intervene 6″ and re-roll all failed hit rolls.
  • The Eight’s Sept Tenet is Devastating Counter-Strike: Re-roll wound rolls of 1 for models with this tenet for shooting attacks against enemy units that are within 6″ of the firing model. (Get up close and personal to have this pop off). 
  • Drones are considered to have a power rating of 0 and are deployed with their Character when you put them on the table.
  • Saviour Protocols is brutal on Farsight Enclaves. Their drones can intercept the wound on a 2+ and take a mortal wound.

The Eight Points Cost

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Looking at the points value, it looks to be cut off. However, we can make out what looks to be 1120 pts.

The Eight are a Lord of War detachment that look to be able to dominate most of the table. No matter where the enemy goes, there will be a Farsight character lurking around that they’ll be forced to deal with. Rest assured, these Suits will be sticking on the table for quite a while as they’re mobile and there are so many untargettable characters.

What do you think about the Eight coming to Tau? Will these be able to compete with Knight bruiser lists or focus more on board control? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.