AoS Gloomspite Gitz Battletome, Dice, & Terrain Unboxing

By Tim Roberts | January 14th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar

Don’t miss our review of the Gloomspite Gitz as we take a look at the new Battletome, Cards, Dice and the Loonshrine!

First, out of the gate, we get a look at the new massive terrain feature for the Gloomspite Gitz, The Bad Moon Loonshrine. This bad boy stands at about seven inches tall and about seven inches long as well. Crazy big!


This terrain looks like it is pretty straight forward as far as assembly goes but you might want to keep your Vallejo Plastic Putty handy for any gaps that might occur.


Gloomspite Gitz Battletome book has 113 pages with over forty Warscrolls making it a tad bit bigger than the Beasts of Chaos one. To see Robbie B. pour over this new book page by page, make sure you check out our video at the bottom of the page.


Here at Spikey Bits, we love our game aides and Age of Sigmar warscroll cards are best in the business. These cards are one of the best ways to see your units stats without having to table a book.

The design is great and we can’t say enough good things about this product for your games of Age of Sigmar 2.0, if they are available for your faction!


Last but not least is the product that everyone is going to absolutely love or hate as there probably is no middle ground. We are of course talking about the new $30 rubber Squig Dice.

The first thing we noticed about these dice is that some of the yellow paint is not centered right on the raised surface that it is intended to set on. Now some might say that is nitpicking but for $1.50 each, we think they should be a little tighter than that.

Now rubber dice sounds fun for sure, but you better be ready to chase them down as they bounce across your local gaming store!

Overall, we think that the new Gloomspite Gits release looks like a great fun addition to the Mortal Realms and the Age of Sigmar.  As always keep those hobby muscles strong, stay in the trenches and hit play on our Gloomspite Gitz unboxing video below.