GW Reveals New Space Marines & May Be Teasing Sanguinius

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Tons of new Space Marines, a HUGE new transport, and something redacted has just been previewed by Forge World for Horus Heresy and beyond!

As previously noted, Horus Heresy is NOT dead, so put the trolls back in the dungeon, and don’t miss all the new models waiting for us right around the corner.

Check out what will be available at the Horus Heresy Weekender event coming up!

Games Workshop announced that there are some new models from Forge World making their way into 30k. Take a look ahead of time and see if you want to get your hands on a few things!

Night Lords Praetors and Leviathan Models

nightlords praetors

Starting off with the HQ options, two new Praetor models are going to be joining the ranks of the Night Lords. Of course, with an entire Legion based on terror tactics, they’re coming armed with unique chain weapons to make examples out of unlucky challengers.

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The Night Lords Leviathan is coming with a stapled-on poor soul. It’s also coming kitted with the iconic Night Lords insignias and Legion number.

Blood Angels Crimson Paladins

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Armed with shield and blade, they’re a great front-line assault unit in a Horus Heresy army, and a great choice for bodyguarding your favourite characters.

These guys are like the slow-moving, more tanky version of the Sanguinary Guard. Make no mistake, these guys are geared for getting up close and personal with every model having a melee weapon.

Mechanicum: Ordinatus Aktaeus

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This is a super-heavy troop transport that was actually spotted first on a live Twitch stream from a while back.

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You’ll be able to burst from the ground in a hail of gun-fire and debris as your troops storm out and take some ground.  We’re still waiting on rules for this behemoth, but we do know that it’s a super-heavy, a transport, and has some kind of Vulkite weaponry on its tracks.

Did They Hint at Sanguinus?

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Forge World also left us with a little tidbit of info to make our ears perk up.


Oh – and there’s one more thing. Something SO AWESOME we couldn’t fit it into the article. Something Forge World fans have been looking forward to for a very, very long time. We’ll have more on just what that is very soon…

We’ve been seeing a lot of talk revolving around the Blood Angels in the Horus Heresy. Sanguinius could be dropping in as the next Primarch to hit the table.

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Forge World released this art for getting 100,000 likes on their Facebook page and that’s unmistakably Sanguinius and Ka’Bhanda dueling each other.

Only time will tell if what they were talking about was a new Sanguinius model or not. But as for now, what do you think about the new models? Are you going to use the bits to make a conversion out of something? Do you think Sanguinius is the next Primarch to be revealed? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and be sure you’re getting free hobby updates each morning as well!