GW Teases New 40k Rules For Genestealer Cult Biophagus

Don’t miss new 40k rules for the Genestealer Cult Biophagus medic unit that has finally been confirmed by Games Workshop in their latest teaser.

Games Workshop dropped another preview on the Genestealer Cult showcasing the brand new model known as the Biophagus, that was spotted in a preview video from the Warhammer New Year’s Open.

What could he be bringing to the table? Let’s find out!

The Biophagus

gsc biophagus

A Biophagus is a specialist in gene-manipulation and bio-alchemy, responsible for industrialising the process of contaminating and indoctrinating new recruits into the cult. To that end, they are often found posing as medical staff and aides, where they can infect their victims with new genetic concoctions they have created in order to leave their victims more susceptible to the cult’s subtle influences.

injector goad

The Biophagus walks into battle with his trusty Injector Goad. This is similar to the Primus’s Injector Claw in that it always wounds on a 2+ unless it’s targetting a vehicle. However, if a character loses any wounds to the weapon, you roll a D6 and if your roll is higher than their wounds characteristic, they take D3 mortal wounds. (Hence the injector part of the weapon).

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In all reality, the weapon doesn’t have any AP and the Biophagus probably only comes with two or three attacks so don’t expect anything extravagant from this guy in combat. He is a fantastic support character, however.

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He has a real Fabius Bile “feel” to him.

The Biophagus has taken a liking to the Aberrants. The Aberrants serve as bodyguards and test subjects to the Biophagus. What kind of concoctions does the Biophagus have up his sleeve? Well, you have to roll a D6 and on a roll of a 1, an Aberrant just dies. However, the ability from the Biophagus still happens. You roll a D3 and add the bonus. Any of these bonuses are great but the real money one is the +1 attack.


The Abominant already lets hits of a 6+ explode into an additional hit for friendly Aberrants. If you can throw more dice into the attack pool, you’re much more likely to see some of those hits explode!

The Alchemicus Familiar

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The Biophagus can bring with them something called the Alchemicus Familiar. Essentially, these guys let you roll 2D3 on the result for the table and you get to pick your result. This is a once per battle move so make sure it counts.

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The Biophagus is just one of the characters that the Cult are getting in the days ahead. Now that we know what he can do to his mutated followers, will you be picking him up?

Do you run an Aberrant-heavy list? How many points do you think he should cost? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.