New 40k Chaos Unit Hidden In Plain Sight?

Some kind of new Chaos creature was spotted in the most recent 40k new release previews, but does it mean a new unit is on the way? Let’s look at the latest!

Urban Conquest was one of the “unexpected” previews from the New Years Warhammer Open event at the start of the month.  Now as the bigger art has been circulating around the web, a creature was spotted lurking in the art. (Prepare your Where’s Waldo-finding skills).

But does that mean we’ll see a new Chaos unit for Warhammer 40k in the near future? Well, let’s first look back at the last big Chaos releases for 8th Edition, the Death Guard:

Chaos Hidden in Plain Sight- 2017

In the Death Guard preview video from Adepticon 2017, there was an interesting hidden gem; a new Tank!

Here is what we found back then in the bottom right corner of this picture (around 00:04 into the video).

Death Guard Tanks

Seemed a little dark, so we brightened it up a little bit.Death Guard Tank Bright

Today we know we knot this was an image of new tanks coming for the Death Guard, and it looks like we called it pretty well for what they would do as well:

Maybe a two-part kit no less for perhaps an APC and or a Plague Mortar weapon system of sorts?

I also love that front prow as well. No matter what it is, they look intimidating.

Perhaps the best quote from our post back then was this ponderance, that even in 2019 is may hold even more truth:

before you dismiss this as purely coincidental… when was the last time you saw GW publish supplement artwork that didn’t contain real actual models. We can’t remember the last time ourselves….

Chaos Hidden in Plain Sight- 2019?

Fast forward back to today in 2019, and let’s take a look at the Chaos unit that may have been hidden in plain sight just like the Death Guard units, two years ago.

urban conquest

Let’s take a look at the artwork on the cover of the new 40k Expansion. Take a look down at the small doorway near the bottom right of the art…



See it now? It looks like there’s a giant Daemon-Engine/Bug Walker that could be coming to the table for Chaos. Back in November Warhammer 40k Reddit had been talking about this after the Vigilus previews, but since then we haven’t heard any kind of discussion on the internet that points directly to this creature.

However, IT IS in the artwork and usually, as we saw above, that’s not a mistake from GW.

Taking a closer look at the size of this thing, there’s a Land Raider that’s actually closer to the viewer and that “bug” is still standing taller. We’re guessing that if/when this thing does get a model, it’ll actually be fairly tall (thanks to its massive abdomen). On the flip side, there are Marines standing fairly close to it too and they are about half its height so it’s a little difficult to get an exact measurement.

At the end of the day, Black Legion look like they got their hands on one first. Who knows if all the other Chaos gods will get alternate models showing off their own spin of the model.

Do you think we could be seeing this model hit the side of Chaos shortly? Any word on what you think it’ll be called? What force organization slot do you think it’ll fill? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.