New 40k Kill Team Arena Stratagem Cards SPOTTED

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Kill Team Arena has been the recent highlight of skirmish-game fans out there and a new set of Stratagem cards for Kill Team was spotted.

Spotted on Imgur, a mysterious picture of some Stratagems were picked out that we haven’t ever seen before until now. There’s no doubt they’re for Kill Team, but could these be coming inside the Kill Team Arena?


Kill Team arena is looking to be a very similar rendition of the Rogue Trader vs. Gellerpox Nurgle forces a while back. However, you can bring in all kinds of different Kill Teams to do battle in this close-quarters killing-zone.

Kill Team: Arena is an expansion for Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team that introduces rules for competitive play, using evenly balanced terrain set-ups and mission objectives to offer each player an even playing field. Also included are missions and rules for running competitive Kill Team tournaments, either for single players or teams of two allies (known as Battle Brothers).

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Next to the list of new stratagems, there’s a couple of tokens/objective markers with the Vigilus symbol on them. it would make sense that certain Kill Teams would be deployed on Vigilus. Especially now that Chaos, Imperium, and a handful of Xenos races are all competing for dominance.

The cards look to be from a KT Areana OP kit, with the old Kill Team award coins (Gold, Silver, Bronze)

New Kill Team Stratagems

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The stratagems are a little difficult to read, so we’ve broken them down for you.

  • Decisive Move (1CP): Use this stratagem at the start of the movement phase. Pick a model and immediately move with it. (This includes advance, charging, falling back). If another player uses this stratagem as well, roll off. Whoever rolls higher gets to move first.
  • Decisive Shot (2CP): Use the stratagem in the shooting phase and immediately shoot with a model you selected. If another player uses this stratagem as well, roll off. Whoever rolls higher gets to move first.
  • Tactical Reroll (1CP): Reroll a single advance, charge, psychic test, deny test, hit roll, wound roll, injury roll, saving throw, or nerve test. –This is exactly like the Command Point Reroll stratagem from the larger 40k tabletop. 


  • Decisive Strike (2CP): Use this stratagem in the Fight phase and immediately fight with a model before any others. If another player uses this stratagem as well, roll off. Whoever rolls higher gets to fight first.
  • Insane Bravery (1CP): Use this stratagem before taking any Nerve tests. You can automatically pass a single Nerve test for a model in the Morale phase. –This one is very similar to the 2CP stratagem to auto pass morale for an entire unit.
  • Gritted Teeth (1CP): Select a model with one or more flesh wounds to shoot or fight. When they do so, they ignore the negative effects of their flesh wounds.

Kill Team Arena is up for pre-order as of right now and will be hitting the shelves very soon. Games Workshop has an online roster builder for Kill Team that’ll be getting updated for the expansion when it releases!

That way, you can cut down on the time and hassle it takes to plug your info in. You’ll be able to start playing with the new rules in no time!