Painting a Display Board the GMM Way: Hexfleet Virules

GMM Studios Painting a Display Part 2: Hexfleet Virules

GMM studios has been working on a very cool display board for a massive army. Check out the progress and steps he took for bringing this project to life!

If you’ve been thinking about making a display board and you’re wanting to do it right, take a look at the steps that GMM studios have been taking for their display board to fit this massive Nurgle army. Don’t cut corners and become inspired!

Hexfleet Virules

gmm display painted

This massive Nurgle army needs a board the size of a small car to fit everything. Remember, display boards can be any size. However, you want to make sure you build them right no matter how big or small. Check out Part 1 of the progress for this project!

Building the Framework: Display Board Part. 1

gmm display 1

In the first phase of making the display board, GMM studios went over the importance of making sure you have enough room and planning out exactly where certain models will be going. You also want to make sure you’re using the best materials for the hobby to give you the most strength and modeling options.

Now, let’s go over phase two of the operation!

GMM Studios Painting a Display Part 2

gmm display finished 1

Once the modeling is out of the way and you’ve got the structures/terrain exactly the way you want it, make sure you give everything plenty of time to dry. After that, take your time and paint everything the way you want.

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The painting process can take as long as it needs to. Remember, don’t cut corners. Especially with projects as big as this. But really, it’s as simple and being patient and putting the paint on one brush-stroke at a time.

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A few accent pieces like posters, signs, and billboards were added to really immerse you in the setting. It’s the small things that tie the entire project together!

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Notice the Ghostbusters/ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles vibe here?

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Working on these projects, especially the bigger, longer ones, you really get to know the client.  Lots of conversation about inspiration, tastes, and random other things too.  Turns out this client and I have a lot in common on the topic of our childhoods, toys we loved, and their influence on what we do today and what we enjoy. 

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Hopefully, this has inspired you to start a display board for your army! It’s always fun to show off your hobbying in ways different from just having a painted army. This display is absolutely insane with the sheer amount of detail that’s gone into it. What are your thoughts on the board?

Be sure to check out GMM Studios for more awesome projects or to book your very own commission!