BREAKING: New 40k Release Previews From GAMA & More

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New GAMA previews are here for Warhammer 40k’s Kill Team, Necromunda, and even new halflings in Blood Bowl. Plus Kal Jerico gets a new model as well!

Warhammer Community gave us a preview from what’s going on at GAMA (a gathering of all kinds of tabletop game makers). We’ve got some exciting releases for GW’s smaller game avenues. Check it all out!

Kill Team Elites & Future Releases

Kill Team: Elites is a massive new expansion that brings the very deadliest troops to skirmish combat in the 41st Millennium. Inside, you’ll find rules that let you field anything from Terminators to Crisis Battlesuits to your games.

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They’re adding elites from every faction into Kill Team: Elites! They’ve even got rules for the new units out of Shadowspear.

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Amongst all the exciting news, Games Workshop will be bringing even more preconstructed Kill Teams with their own special rules. These will be themed around the Elites expansion so get ready to playtest even more combos with your existing models!

Adeptus Custodes Will Be a Kill Team

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Amongst the news of Elites being added into Kill Team, the Custodes are going to be making a debut. We’re guessing that the Kill Team size will only be about two or three guys because of how insanely powerful they are. You may be only able to play these guys at something like 300 pt games and beyond.

Necromunda’s Kal Jerico & Scabbs

necromunda new releases

If you’re a longtime Necromunda fan and have read the books, you’ve probably heard of Kal and Scabbs. Well, they’ve announced that their models have been reworked and you’ll be able to play them in your Necromunda gangs!

These classic characters have been brought to life as you’ve always imagined them, drawing on years of art and lore to bring you some glorious new models that are a treat for long-time fans of the books and Necromunda players looking to add some extra firepower to their gang alike.

New Halfling Blood Bowl Team

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For those of you new to the game of fantasy football, Halflings are, objectively, without even a shadow of a doubt, the worst team in the game. A Halfling has the deftness and grace of an Ogre, the ball handling skills of an Orc, and the durability of a particularly sickly Skaven – and, despite these faults, an inexplicable desire to play Blood Bowl. Now, the Halflings are taking the field once more with a brand-new team expansion…

Playing the Halflings in Blood Bowl sounds like you’ll be enjoying the game on hard mode. These guys don’t look “up to par” when you compare them to some of the brutal-ness that Orks have. Nonetheless, if you’re a fan of squats and want to live vicariously in a Football Fantasy game, then grab the Halflings and run the ball down the middle of the field!

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Gama is just kicking off and we’ve already got a hefty chunk of previews. Looking at what we’ve got for now, what do you think about Elites coming to Kill Team? Is it turning into a small-point game of 40k? What team do you play in Blood Bowl? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.