Helping a Fellow Hobbyist: Go Fund Me Support

By Rob Baer | March 2nd, 2019 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

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One of the pillars of the hobby community here in the states and just a great all-around fellow has been having medical complications and could use some help.

If you play Warhammer 40k here on the East Coast over the last ten years or so, you’ve probably met Mike or his brother Clark Welch at some point. These brothers travel miles to get a good day’s worth of gaming in at all kinds of 40k tournaments.

Mike has come down with some medical issues recently, on top of the ones that he and his family have been living with for years unknown to many of us.  They really could use any support you can give.

Mike Welch Needs Your Support

mike welch

Go Fund Me fundraiser

From Clark Welch:

Mike Welch was diagnosed with Fournier’s Gangrene and had to have 3 surgeries to save his life. He has had a large portion of his hip removed to remove the infection. There will be a long road to recovery. His wife Sara is taking time off from her job to help him with his medical needs now that he is home but she has spinal bifida and walks with crutches. Their son John has issues with a brain injury from a car accident. They could really use the help as Mike will not be able to return to work for several months.

Mike and his family look to have their hands full at this point in their lives and are open to any kind of support you can give for their Go Fund Me fundraiser. While Mike has already had the surgeries, there is still a long road ahead to travel.

thanks cat awesome

If you feel compelled to help out a fellow hobbyist that has been on the tabletop scene for years, then head over to the page above and give them whatever you feel led to give.

On behalf of Mike Welch, his brother, and his family, we want to thank you for what you can give. The hobby world is a fascination that pulls everyone from all walks of life together under one common interest. We are all a family at the end of the day!