New Custodes Gunship & 30k Rules Changes REVEALED

custode talons wal hor

New rules changes and a brand new gunship for the Adeptus er Legio Custodes were spotted in Book 8: Malevolence for Horus Heresy!

Hobby hero Garro has the goods on all the changes coming to the army very soon. Keep in mind that he compared everything to the Inferno book. Not the FAQ. With that said, let’s dive into what’s going on with the Custodes!

If you love the Horus Heresy, make sure you give Garro’s page a like, there are few better…

Horus Heresy Custodes Changes & Updates SPOTTED

Adeptus Custodes Wal Hor

I’ll just be listing all the changes I can find in the new list. worth saying that the sisters of silences stuff is presently unchanged and still considered to be part of the army list. ALSO for the purposes of this article, Changes will be compared from Inferno, not the Faq changes as I don’t have them to hand.

Going over some of the big stuff…

  • The Adrastus Bolt Caliver is now Assault 3 instead of Heavy 3.
  • The Praesidium shield now +1 to invulnerable saves (maxing out at 3+). (Still -1 to hit in combat also).
  • Solerite Talon is no longer a specialist weapon.

Points Changes of the Custodes

  • Praesidium shield -5pts.
  • Digital lasers +5pts.
  • Power talon -5pts.
  • Paragon spear +5pts.
  • Tribune upgrade doubled in cost.
  • Paragon blade +10pts.
  • Vexilla and power weapon on Legio Hetaeron squad +15pts.
  • Contemptor Achilles Dreadnought Spear +20pts.
  • Telemon Dreadnought Storm Cannon +10pts.
  • Arae-shrikes now 15pts per model.

Base Cost of Custodes Go Up

  • Constantin Valdor +50pts.
  • Legio Hetaeron Guard squad +40pts.
  • Aquilon Terminators +30pts.
  • Contemptor Achilles Dreadnought +15pts. (Bonus attack for two melee weapons included in base profile).
  • Coronus Grav Carrier +40pts.
  • Pallas Grav Attack (searchlight now base wargear) +10pts.
  • Caladius Grav Tank (searchlight now base wargear)+25pts.
  • Telemon Heavy Dreadnought +20pts.
  • Orion Assault Dropship +10pts.
  • Legio Sagittarum Squad Same cost. Additional models -5pts. (Can also take power gauntlets for +15pts. and vexilla for +5.)

This is a general overview of the big stuff we pulled out. If you’re a Custodes player, you may want to go in and dig deeper into the details yourself and see how it affects your current list. Stepping back from all the changes, Custodes look to finally be getting a bit more balanced with all the other Legions in the game. Their points cost going up drastically across all different kinds of units may level the playing field. We’ll have to see.

Custodes Ares Gunship SPOTTED

ares gunship

It has the same basic statline is the Orion flyer at +35pts. The nose-mounted gun is replaced with the Magna-blaze cannon with two firing modes.

  • Statline 1:  S10 AP1, primary weapon 2, exoshock, mastercrafted, armourbane, and instant death.
  • Statline 2: S8 AP2 heavy 2, large blast.

Bolt launchers also get replaced with Infernus firebomb clusters:  large blast, heavy flamer bombs which ignore cover.

Garro also gave us some kind of new rule that looks to be specific to the unit.

ship also has a rule that if it suffers an ‘explodes’ result on the penetration table from its rear-facing, on a dice roll of a 5+ it actually dies representing the exposed ammo bits for the magna-blaze cannon.

At the end of the day, we feel like the price going up in the Custodes arsenal was a necessary one. For the longest time, Custodes have been able to kick other Legion’s teeth down their throat. Perhaps this point-change update will make games against Space Marine Legions more of a fight! What are your thoughts on the points? Do you think the Ares gunship will be worth the points? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.