Welcome To The Catachan Jungle: LVO Armies on Parade

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Catachans are coming to take back the Jungle! Check out this beautiful army spotted on the tabletops of the 2019 LVO for Warhammer 40k!

The 2019 Las Vegas Open was another massive event for Wargaming that pulled people in from all across the globe. Of course, when you have that many players there, you’re bound to see jaw-dropping armies.

LVO 2019

Without any further delay, let’s run on through the Jungle!

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The Catachans and Deathwatch teamed up to take down whatever monsters were lurking on the tabletops at the 2019 LVO. There’s a lot of models in this army and they’re all packed with crisp detail well above tabletop quality!

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Sly Marbo is looking for the perfect spot to set up an ambush…meanwhile, his buddy behind him is about to light him up.

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You see, on Catachan, you usually don’t have time to set up a dug-in firebase. What with all the exotic Alien life and vegetation trying to kill you at every moment. Thus, the Catachans have developed a way to fire mortars from the shoulder!

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Looking at the Deathwatch, this Smash Captain is just begging some poor Xeno to cross him.

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Ultramarines, Flesh Tearers, and Raven Guard are all just a few Chapters that have donned the Silver Pauldron to join the cause of killing any Xenos that’s a threat to the Imperium.

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While these guys may be Deathwatch (and a totally separate army), their bases match with the Catachans. This is a huge detail bonus that really ties the army together. It actually looks like they’re fighting on the same planet!

This is just one of the hundreds of eye-popping armies spotted at the 2019 LVO. Keep checking back for even more Armies on parade as we explore deeper into what made it to the event.

What do you think about the details of the army? What is your favorite Chapter of Space Marines? Would Deathwatch and Catachans get along in the lore? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.