GW Announces Another New Exclusive Store Miniature!

exclusive games workshop store wal hor miniature

No, it’s not a Primaris Lieutenant this time! Check out the latest miniature you’ll be able to get at a Games Workshop store near you.

Warhammer Community announced that if a store gets refurbished, opens up for the first time, or just relocates, you’ll be able to get a handful of exclusive models. But we’ve got a new model coming our way now!

Let’s take a look at what we’ve seen so far from 2018 onward to the newest offerings in 2019!  Note that we excluded the Chaos Noise Marine, and Severina Rhaine as they were released to Independent retailers as well.

Warhammer Store Anniversary

guardian of souls


primaris captain

Two exclusive models were unveiled for Warhammer stores in 2018. A Guardian of Souls for AoS and Primaris Captain for 40k with alternate weapons!

Previously Announced Store Exclusives

termie captain


termie chaplain


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You might remember seeing these guys earlier on. The Terminator Captain, Chaplain, and Lenna Stormspire are all of the other models you’ll also be able to get as a part of a store’s opening, refurbishment, or relocation. But there’s also a new Stormcast in town. Check out Berek the Indomitable.

Berek the Indomitable Store Exclusive

berek stormcast exclusive

Berek the indomitable is a Stormcast that’s all about damage. With a big two-handed hammer, he doesn’t need to try and block anything.

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Like Leena, he’s posed standing over the top of a Greenskin he’s just slaughtered. It looks like he literally batted the torso off on an Orruk and ran over to go stand on it for the classic “Captain Morgan hero pose”. Really though, we can’t blame him.

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You’ll be able to add two new exclusive heroes to your AoS army. But if you play Shadespire, you’ll just be one cool-looking character away from making an alternate Warband.

steelhearts champions

Leena Stormspire could be a replacement to Angharad Brighshield, while Berek is a perfect match for Obryn the Bold. The only guy we need now is a sick alternate model that matches Steelheart’s wargear!

If you were wanting more Space Marines, there is the new Exclusive that was at Adepticon 2019. We got our hands on one and reviewed the quality and detail for you below:

What do you think about the store exclusive models? Which one is your favorite? What do you think Berek’s stats will be in Age of Sigmar? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.