New Forge World Releases For April 19th REVEALED

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Lord of the Rings is getting a new kind of terror thrown into the game and it’s taking on the form of two men! Check out the new models.

Forge World, has a new pre-order available and it’s all on the Lord of the Rings tabletop game. The game has been growing steadily with the help of the FW team constantly pumping new units and characters into the game. With that said, let’s check out the next duo to hit the table.

lotr elephant

Raza & Delgamar $31


Raza, the Fang of the Serpent is Suladan’s most loyal bodyguard. He is responsible for finding an killing those who even spoke about attempting to dethrone the Serpent Lord. As for Delgamar, he is the highest-ranked Corsair Captain in Dalamyr’s command. Since his position, he has been watching the gates of Umbar for most of his time. However, still commands his ships up and down the shores of Gondor.

raza 2

This set contains not one, but two Heroes for your Evil army in the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game! Used together in the same army make a cracking team – the former leading fellow Corsair Warriors in battle, the latter being a supreme hunter of other Heroes. Râza is a Hero of Fortitude for the Haradrim, while Delgamar is a Hero of Valour for the Corsairs of Umbar. Rules for both miniatures can be found in the Gondor at War supplement book.

Raza will have a few customizable options. He’s got two head selection with an open face variant in the kit. Meanwhile, Delgamar may not have any cosmetic options, but he’ll be armed with his sword, whip, and throwing daggers for some extra reach.

These are up for pre-order now and will ship on April 19, 2019.

Will you be starting some forces of the Serpent Lord now that Raza is on the way? How many War Elephants would it take to bring down Helm’s Deep? What’s your favorite LOTR book out there? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.