New Age of Sigmar Stormcast Rules SPOTTED!

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New rules ahead! Don’t miss what’s coming next for the Stormcast Eternals in Age of Sigmar rules wise in April’s White Dwarf!

Stormcast Eternals are GW’s AoS version of Ultramarines which may explain why it seems like they get the most support. Check out the latest rules spotted in the April White Dwarf and tell us what you think!

Stormcast Eternals Get Three New Battalions

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The Stormcast are getting a whopping three new Warscroll Battalions in the White Dwarf! Let’s go over what we’ve got to pick from. Keep in mind these all need to be Hallowed Knights.

  • Steel Souls Lords of the Storm: This Battalion is centered around the characters of the Stormcast. If you take one of each of the selection, you’ll be able to get the bonus special rules. So what does taking this Battalion give you? Well, you can order a saintly charge once per game and everyone in the battalion rerolls charge rolls and adds +1 to their attacks. Not too shabby but it’s definitely a Battalion you want to have supported by a host of other units.
  • Steel Souls Thunderhead Brotherhood: This one is a bit weird. By taking three units of Liberators and two units of Judicators, you get a rule that makes them harder to crack in combat. If one of your models dies in melee, you add one to their bravery. By the way it’s worded, it looks like it doesn’t stack. Just keep that in mind.
  • Steel Souls Hammerstrike Force: If you take two units of Paladins and one unit of Prosecutors, you’ll be able to pick on Wizards a bit more. If any enemy Wizards are within 8″ of any model from this unit, they subtract 1 from any casting rolls.

The Mac-Daddy Warscroll Battalion: Steel Souls Warrior Chamber

steel souls warscroll

You’ll have to dedicate nearly all of your points to bringing this Battalion because it’s got such a high organization cost. You’ll need one Steel Souls lords of the Storm battalion, three Steel Souls Thunderhead Brotherhoods battalions, and three Steel Souls Hammerstrike Force battalions to get the Steel Souls Warrior Chamber.

This is like Sigmar rolling out an entire chamber to defeat whatever is on the battlefield. In addition to getting all of the bonus rules for the other battalions, the Warrior Chamber also lets you heal a wound from each unit each turn. With the smallest Stormcast models having two wounds, you should be able to reap the benefits in no time!

Do you play the Steel Lords in AoS? Do you have a certain Battalion you always like to play? How competitive do these Battalions look to you? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.