New Forge World: Chaos Warhound Titan & Blood Bowl

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Forge World has been busy behind the scenes with bringing us a Chaos Warhound Titan from back in the day and a new Blood Bowl character.

Forge World just posted their newest wave of releases on their website. Take a look at what you’re able to claim for yourself ahead of time.

Chaos Warhound Titan (Body) $445

chaos warhound 2

The Chaos Warhound Titan is back and better than ever! Forge World has been working behind the scenes to bring us this blast from the past and it looks incredible. If you’re playing a Traitor Legion and need a little more firepower, pick this guy up!

Important: While the Warhounds can normally equipt turbo lasers, it looks like the Chaos Warhound does not have a Chaos-cosmetic option just yet. We know that the main Titan kit had upgrade parts for the turbo laser sold in its main kit so that could also be the case here again still…

Vulcan Mega Bolter (Left Arm) $67

vulcan bega bolter left

As far as weapon options go, right now you can pick up the Vulcan mega bolter for the left arm of the Titan and start mowing through ranks of your enemies.

Warhound Plasma Blastgun $67

warhound plasma

Of course, also, if you need to melt through some Loyalist ceramite, you can pack a serious punch with enough plasma to disintegrate everything in an entire city block.

Blood Bowl: Lord Borak the Despoiler $28


Lord Borak the Despoiler is one of Blood Bowl’s most popular Star Players – and not just for his bone-crunching skills on the pitch. After all, he’s been Spike! Journal’s favourite agony uncle for longer than anyone can remember, always willing to offer his ultra-violent advice in his regular column, ‘Ask Lord Borak’. However, this Hall of Famer forged his legend on the gridiron, cracking skulls and tearing off limbs with nothing more that brute strength and a hyper-belligerent attitude.

It’s definitely an exciting wave of releases if you’re into some of GW’s special skirmisher-type games! These are all up for pre-order right now but will ship out  May 03, 2019. Let us know what you’ll be picking up in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.