RUMORS: GW Airbrush, New Citadel Paints & More

Citadel Airbrush Paint

What do you think is coming next on the hobby side of things from Games Workshop? We’re hearing word of new paints, an airbrush and more today.

Warhammer Community previewed a video at their Adepticon preview called “Fifty Shelves of Grey”. The video showcased nothing but grey models in the”largest collection in the world” and popped up a “grey no more” title at the end of the video.

Is this a situation familiar to you? We know that while grey plastic has its charms, the dreaded backlog can feel a bit intimidating at times. Well, worry not – soon, we’ll be adding something huge to our paint range that’s going to make painting your models even simpler. Stay tuned for more teases soon…

Rumors of More Citadel paints & Hobby Gear Emerge

Current rumors say that we could be seeing a whole new line of Citadel paints along with a Citadel airbrush hit the market sometime in May/June.  The “Fifty Shades of Grey” video wasn’t a foreshadowing of GW’s grey plastic sprues switching to colored plastic. Just that their line of painting support would help people get their miniatures looking the way they want them.

Faeit 212 quoted the following from “an anonymous source”:

No colored plastic.
Instead a new massive paint release in May/June (the timeline was mentioned and not confirmed by the other sources). This will be a huge expansion on the current paint range.
This will include a airbrush paints with the return of old paints and a new “blending” type of paint that will be very slow drying.

Faeit also quoted Nick Powell as saying the following:

Overheard at adepticon that well known painters have been working with GW to help create the new paints and some of them will be new formula washes that act more like acrylic pin washes and leave no staining on flat surfaces.

Rumors From GW at Adepticon

Citadel Airbrush Paint

Adepticon 2019 is over, but on several occasions a certain GW hobby presenter was overhead asking people if they had access to an airbrush when fielding questions on how to paint certain things.

Could this had been done to get sort of a “census” from the hobbyists to see if a Citadel airbrush would be a step in the right direction for GW?  They already have a complete Airbrush line of paints already, so an Airbrush may not seem to far out of the realm of possibility TBH.

gw paint rack retail system extra rows new paint pots airbrush

We would also like to point out the that current dual GW Retail paint rack configuration has a ton of open slots in it (in the red area above) still for paint pots that are currently housing duplicate paints from their line.  It could in theory easily accommodate new paints upon release.

Keep in mind that right now all of this is just rumors and wishlisting from the community.

Would new technical paints be something you’d like to see? How do you paint your miniatures? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.