Top 40k FAQ Changes You Need To Know!

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40k’s big FAQ is finally here for April. Wanting to get a quick look at some of the biggest changes? Well, you came to the right place! Let’s dive in.

Coming from Warhammer Community, they’ve finally updated all of the changes coming to factions/rules in 40k. This is the massive FAQ everyone has been holding their breath for. What do you think some of the top changes are?

The Moment You’ve All Been Waiting For: 40k’s Big FAQ is Here

40k faq

If you head over to Warhammer Community’s site and look under the FAQ section, you’ll find that there are tons of factions that have all been updated. Taking a quick overview at some of the top changes, we think 40k’s meta is about to shift.

Xenos Changes

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As a clarification, you roll one D3 for the entire unit’s shot count. Some people were rolling 40 D3’s and counting up the shots. Instead, you roll one D3 and that’s it.

faq gsc

This stratagem was initially worded implying that you could actually deepstrike dudes in during the first turn. Plus, you’re only able to do this once per game now. It looks like GW pulled the reins back just a bit for GSC.


faq tau

Kauyon has been clarified some. At the start of the movement phase, you declare Kauyon. If you do, units that don’t move will be able to reroll hit rolls. There were some discrepancies on whether or not a unit could move before Kauyon was called so it looks like it’s been covered.

flip belt faq

Annnnnnd this brings us to the Flip Belt. Any unit with a flip belt can move across models in the charge phase now as well. We can hear Harlequins getting ready for the competitive tables now.

faq agents of vect

Agents of Vect was clarified a bit further. If you try to stop a stratagem that has a once per game usage, the stratagem you stop doesn’t resolve. Therefore, the player can still try to use it again later on. Plus, any attacks resulting from a stratagem that gets countered by Agents of Vect are just resolved as normal (i.e Oathbreaker Guidance System vs. Agents of Vect).

Imperium Changes

Defiant Cover img knights hor wal


faq ravenguard

Ravenguard’s Strike from the Shadows stratagem has been reworded to just act as a pre-game 9″ movement. *yawn*.

faq teleporters

Looking at Interceptors and units with personal teleporters, you essentially have Fly in the movement phase. But it doesn’t stop there. The real value comes from being able to move across models in the charge phase as if they weren’t there. 

Note: We’re not sure if this applies to Dreadknight teleporters but we might see them coming back to the tables.

faq deathwatch

Moving onto Deathwatch, they still have the Bolter Discipline rule, however, if they use any special ammo, they forfeit the rule when they shoot. You basically get to choose between shot volume or special issue ammo when you fire.


faq knight

Did Knights with a 3++ give you a headache? Well, you can put that Tylenol down because they nerfed them a bit. They changed the wording for the Ion shield rotation strat to a maximum of a 4++ invuln. Now, everything is at least 50/50 if they pop the CP for it.

GW also made it a bit easier for enemies to break out of the clutches of your Knight’s fist. If they roll a 6 on a d6 and the result is higher than what you roll (regardless of strength modifiers) they still break free.

They also clarified on when a Knight could grab something. Basically, whatever the Knight is in combat with will still get to swing back. This strat is done only after the consolidate step.

Chaos Changes

shadowspear obliterators

Looking at Chaos, Obliterator players are needing to roll three D3 separately to determine the characteristics of the gun. No more rolling them all at once and deciding which is which with all your dice laid out in front of you.

The Fly Keyword is Back! Good Luck Screens

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After having to endure screens plague the meta, we’re finally able to have our flying units back again. Things that can fly on their datasheet are able to ignore enemy models in the movement and charge phase now. Who would’ve thought that things that can fly SHOULD be able to jump over the bubble wrap and get to the problem! Whoever thought about fixing this deserves a promotion.

Dark Eldar Flyer Spam Gets a Nerf


faq aircraft

You probably know exactly what kind of list we’re talking about. The players that spam all the Exarch’s, all the other Crimson Hunters, all the Razorwings, etc. are getting a bit of a nerf. If something has the Aircraft keyword, then units on the ground can come within 1″ of their base and even move through them. (This actually make a lot of sense). Even if you end your movement within 1″ of their base, you don’t have to fall back following normal rules of combat. You can just keep on moving!

Steel Behemoth & Shooting

spartan 30k The Meta of Horus Heresy Vs. 8th Edition 40k

faq spartan

Don’t charge a Spartan if you’re thinking you’ll be able to tie up its guns. It can still shoot even if you’re surrounding it. What’s even broader is it looks like anything with the Steel Behemoth keyword can do just the same.

Important Note: It looks like any of the Adeptus Astartes, Heretic Astartes, and Imperial Guard Super Heavies from Forge World are able to shoot in combat as well. We’ll be clarifying this a bit later just to make sure. We’re still processing all the new updates!

These are some of the major changes that stuck out to us from the April FAQ. How do you feel about 40k’s rules set now? Did they fix the major issues you were coming across? Give us your thoughts in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.