New Adeptus Titanicus Teasers & Titan Sprue SPOTTED!

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Don’t miss the latest Titan sprue that is on the way to upgrade you Adeptus Titanicus models, and the latest teasers from Games Workshop that were spotted!

Adeptus Titanicus is a specialist game centered solely around the Titan wars leading up to the Siege of Terra in the Horus Heresy. While the original game came out in the 1990’s, the 2018 version has been revamped in a new way. Since then we’ve been seeing a constant stream of support enter the game including these latest previews.

Named Character Titan Rules

While the GW team has talked about the rules some on Warhammer TV’s live stream, we haven’t seen an official post hit Warhammer Community. With that in mind, let’s check out some of the rules that people are talking about.

Side Note: All of the things that were talked about were just mentioned. Spelling could be off and there may be a few other variations here and there.

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While we listened in, Faeit 212 had a comprehensive list of everything that was mentioned:

  • Vestiti Ferrus: Vulpa Reaver with Iron-Clad rule. This lets him ignore one structure point of damage (only taking 1 instead of 2) from a devastating hit on a 6+. This is basically a niche Feel No Pain.
  • Penumbral Reaper: Mortis Warlord Titan. He’ll come with a rule called Towering Exemplar and have fixed wargear of an Arioch claw, laser blasters, and a Sunfury Plasma Annihilator.
  • Fureans Reaver: This guy comes with a Hunting Auspex upgrade for free and the Kingslayer rule. This gives him +2 on armor rolls vs Titans of scale 10 or higher. (He’s just going to be more of a headache for Warlords essentially).
  • Mantellan Foreman: (Warhoundl for the Legio Tempestus). He’ll come with a rule called Solitary Hunter which prevents him from joining a squadron. However, he can fire all of his weapons when you order him to fire first. This guy will basically just be able to unload out of sequence.
  • Krytos Warlord: Comes with a rule called Hammer of Tyrants. (Unfortunately, they didn’t touch on the rule).
  • Lucius Praetorian: Reaver for Astorum. He’ll come with Will to Survive which gives him +1 to all repair rolls.
  •  Ignis Ferrus: Atarus Warlord. This guy is going to come with some kind of special reactor and a nasty machine spirit. Instead of advancing your reactor marker by two when you roll, you just move it once. However, the awakened Machine Spirit is always wrathful.
  • Dawn of Enlightenment: Defensor Reaver. He’ll come with Beseech the Emperor where he can choose not to move in the movement phase. If he does, he can regain D3 voidshield points or bring them back online to 1 if they were collapsed.
  • Bellator Magno: Gryphonicus Warlord. Martial Pride lets him push his reactors in the combat phase allowing him to reroll hit rolls for a weapon.
  • Auracundis: Ignatum Reaver. He’ll come with Hear My Fury.  He can choose not to move in the movement phase. However, you can pick an enemy Titan within 18″ and force them to make a command check. If they fail, their order is removed. He basically screams at them over the radio and knocks them into submission.

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These Titans are coming with their own command terminals which we’ve already seen previewed. Some of them (like the command terminal all the way to the left) are going to be locked in on their wargear too.

Knight Sprues & Weapon Options

This sprue was also spotted on the Warhammer TV  stream on Twitch.  As part of their Titanicus breakdown, they gave us a short glimpse of what the new Knight upgrade sprues were going to look like.

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Take a look at the sprue next to the new set of Titanicus dice. It’s not the first time we’ve seen dice packaged that way. We’ve been comparing it to the size of the sprue and we feel like the sprue will be about the size of the current stratagem cards. Taking a deeper look at what kind of upgrades we’ll be getting, we’ll have:

  • 6x fists (3 Right and Left)
  • 3x missile pods
  • 3x Meltas
  • 3x Knight heads

Adeptus Titanicus Imperial Knights

While the sprue may come with six fists, it’s actually all geared around upgrading three Knights only. At least we’ll have more options on which hand we want our fist on and if nothing else, these will be a great leftover conversion bits.

And there you have it! The latest word of everything on the way for Adeptus Titanicus. Let us know what you’ll be kitting your Knights with and what kind of character your Legion has to offer in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.