Cast Free Spells: New AoS Scenery Rules REVEALED!

By Wesley Floyd | May 18th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Terrain, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Age of Sigmar Endless Spells & How to Use Them

Age of Sigmar has some massive terrain and endless spell support lying just around the corner. Check out the rules previews on the new scenery!

Age of Sigmar’s faction terrain is especially useful mainly because it doesn’t cost anything to bring along. You basically just get free benefits for having it on the table. Looking ahead, we’ve got some of the biggest modular terrain pieces we’ve seen for the game on the way. Take a look at their new rules from Warhammer Community.

Penumbral Engine Rules

One of the most appealing things about the Forbidden Power’s scenery is that everything is usable by any army. Whether you’re Stormcast or a Beastclaw Raider, they give off useful effects for any army standing close enough to benefit from them.

penumbral engine

At the beginning of the battle, you’ll roll to see just how all Penumbral Engines on the battlefield are behaving throughout the game.

penumbral engine 3

While the terrain piece may be pretty big, it’s only got two functions. One lets you reroll save rolls of 1 (basically a 12″ Mystic Shield bubble). And CP generation if you have a Hero standing with 12″. We feel like a small Stormcast Ballista gun line set up around this thing will be a great addition to your Order list.

penumbral engine 2

Picture from Sablednah

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One thing that makes this scenery piece so unique is its randomness. While other faction-specific terrain features offer a guaranteed bonus, this thing can switch randomly after the first turn moving forward. Either way, both of the effects are good so…

Dominion of Sigmar

dominion of sigmar 2

Picture from Sablednah

In the same vein as the Forbidden Power release, the Dominion of Sigmar will also be hitting the shelves. This terrain feature is modular and offers a plethora of different possible combinations. Each piece/combination has its own warscroll that’ll give off different effects. Looking at the Enduring Stormvault’s ability:

Forbidden Power


enduring stormvault

The vault is going to come locked and the only one who can open it is a Hero within 1″ of the terrain. Just don’t roll a 1 and hope for a 6! When you unlock it, you’ll get a random effect generated by rolling a D3 on the table. Keep in mind that you can only unlock the vault once and that effect stays with you for the rest of the battle. While it’s no guarantee that you’ll ever unlock the vault in your game, the benefits of doing it are pretty great.

Age of Sigmar Endless Spells & How to Use Them

You can increase your Heroe’s damage, let him gain the ability to cast Arcane Bolt or another kind of spell, and the big Kahuna of the list, you can even place an endless spell on the table for free. Imagine plopping down the Purple Sun of Shyish next to a bundle of Beastclaw Raider Stonehorns that have been bullying you all game. That can turn the tide of battle pretty darn quick.

While we’ve just barely scratched the surface for the Dominion of Sigmar rules, we think it’s looking like a pretty cool release. We can only imagine what other warscrolls/combinations are lying in wait for us. What do you think about the rules for the Enduring Stormvault? What endless spell would you choose? Will you be bringing a Penumbral Engine? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.