Daemon Prince Perturabo: Conversion Corner

 Iron Warriors Legion

If you’re a fan of the Iron Warriors Legion you may really want the return of your Primarch. But be careful what you wish for!

Check out one sick model brought to us by Jair Nunez on Spikey Bits Hobbies Facebook Group. Be sure to follow him on Instagram as well!

Early WIP – Daemon Prince Perturabo for my New Iron Warriors army. This is a very early work in progress but I’m very happy so far.

 Iron Warriors Legion

I mean who wouldn’t want the return of your Primarch when he’s a massive ball of iron.

 Iron Warriors Legion

But who says he’s going to be happy to see you when he gets here. He could just as easily kill you.

 Iron Warriors Legion

But Perturabo is one giant Daemon of death. And when he returns it will probably look something like this.

 Iron Warriors Legion

He will have giant wings, and be clad in the best armor. He will probably also be carrying all manner of weapon, most notably Forge Breaker!

 Iron Warriors Legion

Hopefully, in his Daemon form, he still remembers the ways to build mighty fortifications.

 Iron Warriors Legion

I mean with this piece of armor he is definitely ready to knock down the walls of any of his brother’s defenses.

 Iron Warriors Legion

When you see his wings spread wide, you’d better prepare to run.

 Iron Warriors Legion

“Follow me to the false Emperor’s throne!”

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