FFG Reveals Star Wars Legion: Sabine Wren Expansion

By Wesley Floyd | May 16th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Legion, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Star Wars Legion is getting another expansion with a brand new named operative. Check out Sabine Wren fighting for the Rebellion.

Coming from Fantasy Flight Games, Sabine Wren is a new named character that’ll be usable by the Rebels on the table. Let’s check out what kind of tricks she’s got up her sleeve.

Star Wars Legion: Sabine Wren Expansion $12.95

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sabine wren

To Mandalorians, warfare is a way of life. Trained as a warrior from an early age, Sabine Wren enters the battlefields of the Galactic Civil War as one of the Rebellion’s most imposing assets. Not only is she a seasoned soldier who can deal damage up close and from a distance, Wren can also quickly cover large swathes of the battlefield to confront any Imperial agents looking to threaten her comrades.

The Rebels managed to snag a Mandalorian that’ll fight for their cause. Get ready for the closest thing to Boba Fett as the Rebels can get!

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Wren is a real threat at close range. With a Jump Pack giving her high mobility and Gunslinger making it possible for her to pick off two enemy targets when she shoots, she will be able to harass Imperials like nobody’s business. Of course, she might draw a lot of fire, but her Mandalorian armor gives her the Impervious rule to help shrug off incoming blasters. Imperial players may have to send someone like Boba or Darth Vader to deal with her.

If she manages to draw an enemy out from cover, she can also detonate an Electro Grappling Line that decreases an enemy unit’s movement. Your Rebels will be able to have a turkey shoot against them and blow them off the board.


And in case you were wondering how well she performed in combat, we’ll let her Darksaber speak for itself. With five black attack dice and Dauntless/ Immune: Pierce she’ll make a full-blown Sith Lord back off.

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While Wren may have a few tricks up her sleeve just like every Mandalorian in battle, one of the most unique things about her is that she’s an artist capable of inspiring her troops! She can paint some graffiti on a piece of terrain she’s next to that gives in-game bonuses to your other units.

This symbol emboldens any friendly units within range 1–2 who can see it, allowing them to roll an extra die when they rally.

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Wren looks like another character that the Rebels will be using to their advantage. Wren is going to capitalize on the Rebel’s strengths of being flexible and mobile in the heat of battle. Plus, with a little help from her friends, she’ll be able to fight off some of the scariest units that the Imperials have to offer. She’s definitely good on her own, but you can’t just pass up the potential bonuses that she can give to her other units in-game. Look for Wren to hit the shelves in the second quarter of 2019. 

What do you think about Wren? Will you be playing her aggressively and harass enemy units? Or will you be keeping her back and buffing your dudes behind cover? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.