GW Previews Warcry’s Chaotic Everchosen Faction

By Wesley Floyd | May 5th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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First previewed at GAMA, We’ve gotten a deeper look at the Everchosen faction coming to Warcry, the Age of Sigmar Skirmish Game!

Warhammer Community gave us the deepest look into one of the factions for Warcry so far. We know that this will be a box game pitting all different kinds of Chaos warbands against one another in some kind of brutal melee. With that said, take a look at the first previews on Warcry from GAMA as well as the latest on the Everchosen.

Warcry: AoS Skirmish Game

This is Warcry – a new skirmish game from the makers of Kill Team and Warhammer Underworlds that allows you to experience the visceral carnage of battle in the Mortal Realms in a whole new way.

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In the game, you’ll follow the myriad tribes of Chaos – reavers and despoilers from every corner of the realms – as they make their dark pilgrimage to the Varanspire. Warcry explores a never-before-seen side of life (and death!) in the Age of Sigmar. Every model for this game is brand new, reflecting on the dizzying diversity of Chaos on a scale never attempted before and rooted in rich lore that realizes the servants of the Dark Gods as deep and varied cultures.  

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This game is looking a bit like Kill Team and Warhammer Underworlds mashed together. We’ll have exclusive new models making up different Warbands of Chaos inside competing for dominance in a place called Varanspire.

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While we haven’t seen all of the models just yet, we’ve seen their icons in part of the video.

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There were also some flying creatures spotted in swarms on the video. We’re not sure if these will be a “third element” to the game or not. But Warbands may have to fight off a horde of these things before they can get back to killing each other. One thing is for sure. When you pit Chaos fighters against more Chaos fighters, there’s bound to be bloodshed.

Everchosen Faction Previewed at Australian Championship

Meet the Untamed Beasts – perhaps Warcry’s most savage warband (and believe us, they’ve got some stiff competition). Hailing from the Jagged Savannah in Ghur, these raiders have a distinctly old-school aesthetic that’s reminiscent of classic Marauders and barbarians of Warhammer’s past. If you’re looking for a warband that looks like it came straight from the pages of Slaves to Darkness, these are the guys for you!


The Everchosen are looking to fit the bill for their lore. They’re complete savages with deep roots in hunting and primal warfare. These models are incredibly unique too. We can’t see any bit of detail on the minis that look like they were “copy & pasted” from any other sculpts.

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These two look to be the disposable strength of the operation. With all their weapons being made of bone and teeth, it still does the same job as steel when it’s back by mountains of muscle.

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Our guess is that the main leader of this group is the dude with the spear on the right. But looking at this row of fighters, they definitely look important to the Warband.


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These guys look like the dudes you don’t mind sacrificing. They ‘ve got basic weapons and hardly any armor compared to the rest of the fighters.


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Finally, we have this goat-lion creature. While most Warbands in Skirmish games like Warhammer Underworlds have a weak animal at their side, this thing looks like he’d be able to tear apart a few fighters before he decides to be bested.

This Warband might look like it lacks in armor but it makes up for it in the model count. With nine whole models at your disposal to tear your enemies apart limb from limb, these guys are gearing up to be an exciting side of Chaos to play!

What are your thoughts on the Everchosen in Warcry? Are you waiting to see more Warbands before you go all in on this game? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.