GW Reveals New Necromunda Enforcers at the UK Expo

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Enforcers ready! The pace is revving up once again from GW as we’ve got a first-hand look at the next “gang” to enter into Necromunda.

The UK expo is the largest independent tabletop gaming event in the UK and with that, GW decided to reveal exciting new models on the way to some of their specialist games. Check out the latest from Warhammer Community.

Enforcers Coming To Necromunda

We actually saw these guys get teased in a video a while back showing the classic Enforcers logo and someone mentioning “Helmwar”. However, at the UK expo, we’ve just now been able to lay our eyes on the official models!


Necromunda may be full of scummy gangs and miscreants. So it makes sense that every now and then, you have to call in the grimdark SWAT team to do work.

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The new Palanite Enforcers kit is just as packed with options as the Necromunda gang sets, letting you bring your patrol to life with a vast range of weapons – from shock batons to shotguns, and even bolters. 

Considering almost everything in Necromunda only has access to autoguns as a main weapon and these guys can lug around the bigger, stronger bolter, they may be able to mow down enemies that get caught out in the open like nobody’s business.

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Instead of the usual “rag-tag” band of thugs, these guys are coming back into the game completely redesigned from the ground up and ready to clear some sectors.

While there hasn’t been any official rules preview or date that we can look for these guys, we have to say that the Enforcers look incredible. Let us know what you think about this elite team in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.