How Big Are Spells & Terrain Minis: Forbidden Power Unboxing & Build

Don’t miss our unbox and build of the Forbidden Power Endless Spells and Terrain as we compare them to other minis out there!

Forbidden Powers is the latest expansion from Games Workshop that carries on the story of the Soul Wars saga. This expansion brings with it new rules and fluff for Aos along with new Endless Spells that can be utilized by any faction. Today we are going to not only take a look at this new box we are going to assemble some of these new minis and show you what you get for your hard earned hobby dollars let get started!

Soul Wars: Forbidden Power: $90

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market!




  • Harness new, Death-themed endless spells castable by any Wizard.
  • Continue the story of the Soul Wars, including warscrolls for modular scenery to recreate the realm of Stygxx.
  • Master new allegiance abilities for the Legion of Grief and armies of Lethis, and hire Mercenaries to bolster your army.


As you can see this new expansion comes wit ha wealth of new content for AoS. Inside you will find a new token sheet, campaign book, core rules, and assembly instructions for all the new Endless Spells.  Along with some great new fluff that helps enrich the worlds and realms of AoS.


In our unboxing video below Rob gives an overview on how all the new Allegiance Abilities work as well as the new Artifacts and Prayers.  He also takes a look at the new Mercenaries and the Stormvault Campaign. This is exciting times indeed if you play Age of Sigmar.


Last but not least we get to see all the new Forbidden Powers in action and ready for the paint table. For some factions this new box looks to be a must have for all you hardcore Aos Players out there!

As always, keep those hobby muscles strong, stay in the trenches, and check out our AoS Forbidden Powers unbox & Build video below!