It’s Official! Adeptus Mechanicus Get TWO 40k Tanks!

admech wal paper

It’s here! The new two in one Adeptus Mechanicus transport and tank is on the way for the Skitarii? Don’t miss the latest teaser from GW!

Warhammer Community dropped a preview at the Australian Championship showing a video of two mechanicum talking to each other in a chat log, and now we have the official reveal!

New Skitarii Vehicle Requisition Granted

That’s right – as some of you cunningly worked out from our earlier preview, the Adeptus Mechanicus are finally getting a dedicated transport in glorious multipart plastic! Goodbye wheels, hello barely understood, deadly technology from the Age of Darkness.

warhammer fest 2019 Skorpius Dunerider The Skorpius Dunerider opens up the option for a new type of Adeptus Mechanicus army – a force of mobile infantry, whether bringing the brutal short-range firepower of the Skitarii to bear with deadly efficiency or dropping fully charged Electro-Priests right in the middle of your foe’s army.

warhammer fest 2019 Skorpius Dunerider

Looks like some rumor engine pics have been revealed as well! How many can you spot?

warhammer fest 2019 Skorpius Disintegrator

And that’s not all! If you’d rather clinically disintegrate your foes at range, this kit will also build you a Skorpius Disintegrator, a fast-moving battle tank armed with your choice of deadly tech. You asked for an Adeptus Mechanicus tank – now, you’re getting two!

warhammer fest 2019 Skorpius Disintegrator

Looks like the Skorpius Disintegrator has two main weapon options for its Onager style turret. The whole assembly appears to slot in over the open crew compartment of the Dunerider.

Here are some shots of the spures and the tank variants sent to us from Sablednah

From here it looks to be a two sprue kit, but we’re sure more will be revealed!

Look for the new Adeptus Mechanicus Tank soon but as part of what release wave, that remains to be seen!

Want to know more?

Warhammer Fest 2019

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What are your thoughts on a new Skitarii transport coming to the faction? Is that what they need to become more competitive?  Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.